Page 59 of April 5
She shook her head. "I'm good. Thanks."
Left alone with the men, she tuned out their conversation as soon as she recognized the discussion centered around motorcycles. She curled her fingers and scratched her nails against Jagger's back.
He dropped one of his hands between her knees and grabbed the inside of her thigh. It was a nice time with the others. The mild temperature made for a perfect summer evening.
The door opened, and a loud whistle swept through the room. Katrina looked across the clubhouse.
"Rider incoming," yelled Link.
Dio rushed through the door, carrying Skye, Maverick, and Brooke's young girl. "Maverick."
Maverick turned. "Here."
Dio jogged over and set Skye down, speaking softly to her. Before she could see what was happening, Jagger told her to round up the kids and put them in the spare room with the toys and game systems available for the children to play. Brooke, Daisy, and Cora quickly joined her.
Brooke approached Katrina in the room. "I'll stay with the kids."
She squeezed the other woman's arm in thanks and hurried out to see what was going on. Usually when someone yelled, announcing a rider coming in, it meant someone was hurt.
Not finding Jagger inside, she went out the door and stopped. Her gaze followed the crowd. Her heart raced, seeing that it was her dad riding in.
A wave of relief that he was alive left her shaking. Then, the reality of the situation hit her. The members were warning Jagger about trouble coming his way. Her dad had returned to name his punishment against him.
She pushed through the crowd, needing to intercept her dad before he started something she couldn't stop. Her skull pounded. If only they could all sit down and discuss what was happening. Her dad had to understand that she'd made an adult choice to be with Jagger.
Her dad toed the kickstand. She reached his motorcycle and came to a stop in front of him.
Jagger grabbed her arm, pulling her back. She pulled against the restraint, but he never let go.
Her dad removed his helmet. Shocked at his appearance, she cried out. His eyelids were swollen and closed. There were dark purple bruises on his jaw and cheek bones. She had to look at his motorcycle again to make sure it was him because his face was unrecognizable.
"Jesus Christ." Jagger moved forward, catching her dad before he could fall off the bike. "Someone untie her."
Several men rushed forward. Katrina stepped out of their way. That's when she noticed her dad wasn't alone.
There was a woman on the back of his motorcycle. At least, going by the long, black hair and small frame, it appeared to be a woman.
As the helmet came off her, the men grew silent. The woman was in no better shape. Dried blood coated her face. Her lips were swollen and bruised.
The moment Jagger got the rope untied that was holding the woman to her dad's back, a scream froze them all in place. Katrina gasped, looking to her dad for an explanation. But he only held up his hand for everyone to back off.
Once the crowd stepped away, Ruger quietly spoke to the woman, calming her down. Several minutes later, the woman slid off the motorcycle and crumbled to the ground. Katrina covered her mouth in horror. The woman wore men's ripped clothes that hung off her slim body.
She hurried forward. "I'm here."
"Take her inside, baby." He slumped forward on the motorcycle. "She knows about you. She'll trust you."
She reached out but was afraid of touching her dad in case she caused him more pain. "You need a doctor."
"I'll be fine." He looked at the woman on the ground. "Get her inside."
She approached the woman and kneeled beside her. Aware of the others watching, waiting, she softened her voice. "I'm Katrina. Ruger's daughter. I'm going to help get you inside."
"Safe?" mumbled the woman.
"You'll be safe here." She put her hand on the woman's arm, testing to see if it would cause her pain, and then helped her to her feet.