Page 68 of May 11
He rolled with her, never letting her go. "It"
She laughed, struggling to sit up. Sand covered every inch of her.
Wire, wet and grinning, ogled the front of her shirt. She slapped out at him. Their lives could be in danger, and he'd still be hot for her curves.
Despite the cold wind, the freezing water, and the discomfort of wet clothes, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
She'd picked her family. Wire was a part of her now. Just like Jeff would learn he belonged to her, too.
Chapter Thirty One
THE BACK DOOR OF THE clubhouse opened. Cora jumped out of the chair and clutched her hands together in anticipation.
Wire leaned back in the chair. She was going to have a heart attack at the sweet age of twenty-one.
Today was exactly fourteen days since Jagger had informed Wire that contact had been made and Cora's brother would come in two weeks. Cora announced the countdown each morning since she received the news.
Two weeks wasn't an exact date. Albright could come any time, depending on his mood. Hell, he might've changed his mind.
Dio walked through the doorway. Cora's shoulders sagged in disappointment. The guy wasn't coming. It was after nine o'clock at night.
If Albright rolled in now, he'd want to hit the sack after riding most of the day.
"Babe?" He took his boots off the table. "Let's go swimming."
She frowned. "The pool's closed."
There were ways around that. Over the years, Daisy and Bane opened the pool for Havlin members after hours. The city of Seaglass Cove had no idea about the private parties. In return, Havlin donated a big chunk of money to keep the doors open to the children in the community.
"Yo, Bane." He motioned for his MC brother.
Bane left Daisy's side. "Are you guys taking off?"
Only twenty or so members were hung around the clubhouse tonight. Thursdays were always slow. Most members were either out on security work, home with their woman, or getting sleep before they had to work tomorrow.
"Net yet." He hooked his hands behind his head. "Any chance Daisy can open the pool?"
He nodded.
Bane shrugged. "I'll ask."
Several minutes later, Bane whistled, getting Wire's attention, and hitched his thumb toward the door. He stood from the table and slipped his hand into Cora's hand.
Bane and Daisy left the clubhouse.
Wire led her toward the door. She hurried to keep up with him. "Honey, I don't have my swimsuit."
"You don't need one."
"At a city pool?" She laughed. "Oh, yes, I do."
He stepped outside. "I'm sure Daisy has something you can borrow at the pool."
"The suits are clean."