Page 64 of May 11
"I don't do shit that I don't want to do." He grinned. "I wanted to buy you a car."
She spread her hands out on his chest. "Someday, I'll need to go home. I can't ignore the fact that everything my parents own is sitting there."
He nodded. "When you're ready, I'll help you. If you want to handle it all yourself, I'll stand back. But I'll be here for you."
"How did I get lucky enough to find you?" she whispered with a sigh.
"Well, Rush got shot—"
"Oh, God." She groaned, only making him laugh. "Let's not talk about that."
He slid his hand down to her ass and spanked her butt. "Let's get your van home. Tomorrow, you can ride on the back of my Harley to work. Afterward, you can drive your car home."
She stilled. "I'm not going to fit on the back of your motorcycle."
"Babe." He cocked his head. "You'll fit."
She shook her head, not believing him. Her butt was bigger than the seat, plus her boobs would get in the way of holding onto him.
"Trust me." He kissed her. "Now, hop in the van. Let's go home."
She wasn't sure what to think of how fast Wire was moving. Her feelings were jumping all over the place as if she'd woken up from being dead for the last year.
She couldn't even trust her feelings.
What if she was depending on Wire too much? What if she was going to end up getting hurt?
He was a beautiful man.
Summer would soon be over. She needed to figure out what the feelings inside of her were saying. Falling in love was new to her. She had never been in a serious relationship. Certainly not one where someone bought her a car and promised to take care of her.
Chapter Twenty Nine
JAGGER SAT AT THE HEAD of the table in the clubhouse. Wire sat three chairs down. The officers and everyone with more than ten years seniority in the club were required to attend the meeting.
"It's been three weeks since we met with Los Li. There are no signs they stuck around. We haven't had any sightings. Most of all, we haven't seen or heard of any Fentanyl getting within the city limits of Seaglass Cove." Jagger quit shuffling the papers in front of him and looked around the table. "So, with that said, I'm lifting the soft lockdown."
Wire leaned back. A sense of relief came at the same time he was hit with a desire to hold Cora close to him. While the club would ease up on security, and wives and children were once again free to live their normal lives, he was hesitant about letting Cora go.
Jagger believed the women were safe within the community without a Havlin member nearby in case something happened. Cora had the freedom to come and go from work from home, and even that little distance from him left a knot in his stomach.
"Members, stay aware. Be smart." He picked up the gavel and banged it against the table. "Meeting is over."
"Can we have a party now? My balls ache," asked a member from the back of the room.
Jagger lifted his hand and circled his two fingers in the air—the universal sign to go on.
A cheer went up. The screech of chairs echoed in the room. Wire stood from the table. He had no interest in a party, but he looked forward to knowing Cora was safe on the back of his motorcycle. He'd only had her on the bike once, but he wanted her warming his backside again soon.
Maverick slapped Wire's back. "Looks like we can stop wearing our boots out walking between here and the coffee shop throughout the day."