Page 55 of May 11
At noon, the lull came.
The arrival of customers trickled as the lunch hour ended. Dania ran an errand during the break, leaving Mariah to play with Skye. The two kids were now in the shop, huddled under a table, and all their attention was going to the Nintendo Switch Mariah was playing.
Taking the opportunity to sweep without all the foot traffic, Cora started at the door and worked her way across the room until she made it to behind the counter. While she tried to find things to keep her busy, she found herself glancing at the clock.
Time slowed, and she kept thinking about Wire.
The bikers were still outside, guarding the block. Guarding her.
Daisy remained in the shop even though she obviously wanted to be at the pool. Cora caught the whispers and shared looks between Daisy and Brooke as they worried about their husbands.
Come on, Wire. Come back.
Chapter Twenty Four
TWENTY MILES OUTSIDE Seaglass Cove at the east end of state land, twenty-six Havlin Motorcycle Club members watched two black cars drive toward them into the clearing. It was the one place that would provide them privacy during the daylight.
Surrounded by fir trees with a mix of sand and dirt beneath their feet, even a gunshot wouldn't be heard over the hum of the ocean less than a half-mile away.
But they were at a disadvantage.
They had no idea what was coming or how many men would spill out of the cars.
Havlin members stood in front of their motorcycles. Los Li had the benefit of a vehicle to protect them from gunfire.
Jagger stood at the forefront with men at each side. Wire, in position, two men down on the left from his president, kept his hands lax at his sides, waiting for the signal to open fire.
"Don't get trigger-happy." Jagger looked straight ahead as the cars stopped. "Wait until I make the call before you move. If all hell breaks loose, keep shooting until you run out of ammo."
Wire blinked an extra beat, prepared for anything.
The passenger door of the first vehicle opened. A man in a black suit stepped out. He looked at the second vehicle. The same thing happened. A man in a black suit stepped out of the car's passenger side.
Fucking puppets.
Jagger walked forward fifteen paces and stopped. Bane walked in front of Wire and stopped when he reached the far left side of the group. The club wanted him out of the direct line of fire. They'd split up the president and vice president to lessen their chance of getting shot. Their survival rate was higher.
Only the man from the second vehicle walked forward. On the shorter side, the man was broader and heavier than tall. He wore his black hair slicked back off his forehead.
He stopped six feet from Jagger. "Thanks for meeting with me."
The heavy Mexican accent took Wire an extra second to understand what he was saying. Wire kept his weight evenly spaced on both feet, ready for anything.
"I'm not here to make friends." Jagger lit a cigarette. "State your business."
"We gave you a package, amigo." The man thumped his chest with the flat of his hand. "We can work together. Let us bring the supplies in, and we'll let you dispense the drugs how you see fit. In return, we'll give you thirty percent."
The man inhaled swiftly. "You need time to think about it?"
"Not interested."
The man stepped forward until he was within touching distance of Jagger. Wire put his hand at his back and wrapped his fingers around the gun's grip. The air around him thickened. Every member was aware of the danger surrounding their president.
"This won't hold well for you, amigo." The leader for Los Li looked over his shoulder at the cars.
Wire took that as a signal. There should be no silent communication between the leaders and their men.