Page 25 of May 11
"Around a thousand pills."
"I always thought that many would look like more." Dio snorted. "How much would that go for on the street?"
"Between one and three thousand. A drop in the bucket to what is out there." Jagger crossed his arms. "They're testing us."
"We don't need anyone tempted to go against the patch." Bane stood from the table. "Mother fuckers don't know who they fucked with."
Jagger motioned at Dio and Maverick. "Get rid of it."
Bane called out the names of the newly formed crews. Wire was put on the third crew that only went out every third day because he had to work. Those who worked in the parts shop took more shifts.
Wire walked outside once the meeting broke. He lit a cigarette and let the information soak in.
He hadn't even heard anything from them for years. When he was newly patched, he remembered the threats and the wars that took place all over the Northwest. Bantorus and Lagsturns Motorcycle Club overpowered them, and the feds came in.
Later, Moroad kept the number of affiliates down in the prisons, putting Los Li to sleep.
Now they were awake and coming in strong.
He inhaled deeply, exhaling the smoke up in the air. Not only was the threat on the club, but on Seaglass Cove.
He'd seen and experienced more than one town crumble when the community lost control over the drugs coming in.
Looking to his left, he tried to see to the end of the street, but the club truck and the building next door blocked his view of Cora's van. Now, knowing who was behind shooting Rush, he could almost guarantee Cora wasn't mixed up with the Mexican mafia. But that put a bigger threat on her.
She'd need to know. Los Li never left witnesses to their crimes alive to talk.
He stubbed out his smoke and went back into the clubhouse. Waiting until Jagger was alone, he approached his president.
"I want to put Cora's van behind the clubhouse." He lowered his voice. "Los Li will have no problem using a woman to get to us. They already associate her van with us."
Jagger's mouth tightened. "You're sure she's not—"
"On my life."
Cora's lifestyle wasn't the only thing she had, proving she wasn't involved with the shooting. He'd viewed her new relationship with Dania, Brooke, and Cora was genuine. She was pure. She was young.
She wasn't involved with Los Li. He'd bet his life on it.
"Have her park at the back of the lot. We need room for motorcycles," said Jagger.
He slapped Jagger's shoulder and jogged out of the building. It was closing time at the coffee shop. Instead of riding down the street, he set out walking. On his way, he planned what he'd tell Cora without scaring her.
Behind him, loud footsteps drew his attention. He looked over his shoulder, spotting Maverick jogging toward him.
He slowed. "Problem?"
Maverick slowed as he approached and fell into step beside Wire. "Brooke and Skye were going to walk to the clubhouse after work. I don't want them hanging around the clubhouse until we have everything back in control."
"I hear you, brother." He stopped outside the door to the coffee shop. "Prez is letting me bring Cora's van behind the clubhouse. I want her close."
"Are things getting serious with her?"
"Just enjoying her." He looked through the glass door. "Not sure how she got wrapped into club business, but I know she's not involved in what happened to Rush."
"Your word, brother."