Page 96 of His Loyal Rebel
Chapter 34
Tracy sat beside Twyla on the bed. Shoulder to shoulder, she refrained from talking. There was nothing more to say.
Hours had passed since Whip walked out of the clubhouse. Hours had passed since Whip had kissed her. Hours had passed since Whip made the decision to risk everything.
Whip's sister understood the thoughts going through Twyla's head. There was no need to voice her worries again because the answer was always the same.
Twyla inhaled deeper. No matter how hard or fast she tried to get more air into her lungs, she fought the sensation that she couldn't breathe.
The riders who'd come back to the clubhouse an hour ago were only scouts that'd returned to wait for Whip.
"He's going to be okay," said Tracy.
"Yes." Twyla nodded. "He'll come back."
They'd had the same conversation several times since Tracy found her sitting in the bedroom. At first, she wanted to be alone. But, to her surprise, having Tracy beside her brought her comfort.
In a way, Tracy gave her a piece of Whip. They were family, after all.
She hadn't seen Tracy's strength until today. The woman was strong, emotionally, and physically, and it came from deep down inside of her.
Tracy had survived something horrendous and she had made her life beautiful with a loving husband and two beautiful children.
Aaron popped his head in the room. "Coffee?"
She shook her head.
She shook her head again.
"You'll let us know when you want something?"
"Yeah." She leaned more on Tracy. "We will."
Once they were alone, she let out her breath. It was hard to pretend everything was okay around the others. Waiting for Whip was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life.
She'd take a thousand fights with Angie or lose her job or deal with her parents' disappointment over sitting here waiting for Whip. Her imagination went crazy. She thought up a hundred different reasons why he hadn't arrived at the clubhouse yet.
All of her reasons were bad.
She got up, jolting Tracy in surprise. "Come on."
Tracy stood. "Where are we going?"
Her neck snapped in surprise, and she blinked at Tracy. As simple as that, Whip's sister never told her no. She was ready to go wherever she asked.
"I'm tired of sitting here, driving myself crazy." She planted her hands on her hips. "We need to do something."
"Okay." Tracy pushed up her shirt sleeves. "Did you want to eat something? The other ladies brought food."
"No." She looked at the door of the room. "We can go in the alley behind the clubhouse, right?"