Page 80 of His Loyal Rebel
"Yeah." Walker used his thumb, sliding it twice between his middle and ring finger on the same hand.
He'd signaled six days. In six days, Moroad would make their move on Cusclan members.
Whip shrugged. The message was clear and received.
"How's the baby sleeping?" asked Walker.
Faye, Walker's niece, who wasn't a baby but was pregnant, was the most important person in Walker's life. Not a visit went by without him finding out about her well-being. Whip looked him in the eye. "Safe, warm, happy."
"Good." Walker stretched his shoulders, arching his back. "C...O...Okay, man. That's good."
C stood for three. O for fifteen. The attack on Cusclan would happen in six days at three fifteen in the afternoon.
Walker gave him all the information he needed.
"Watch your back, brother." Whip put his hand on the glass.
Walker refused to lift his hand, signaling he was holding strong and needed no support. His MC brother's gaze hardened a split second, preparing to return to his cell, before he hung up the phone, signaling he was done.
Whip swallowed, hating that he was on the outside while Walker remained in prison. He was a good man. One of the best Tarkio had on the roster.
He put the receiver back on the hanger and stood. A security officer escorted him out of the visiting room, down the hallway, and delivered him to the front desk.
While the guard retrieved Whip's set of keys and gave him back his wallet, he looked around the holding room, stopping when he recognized a Cusclan vest on a man sitting with his back against the wall.
His fingers curled. Anyone wearing the patch was better off dead.
"Mr. Greer?"
He turned back to the counter and grabbed his personal items they'd confiscated before the visit. Then, he walked out the front door.
Once the fresh air hit him, he wanted to run. He forced himself to walk the two hundred feet to the gate, show his I.D., and be let out. He strode straight to his Harley, where he met back up with Rick.
"Did you get in?" Rick handed him a cigarette.
He took a hit, holding it between his thumb and index finger. "Yeah."
If he hadn't gained clearance for some reason, he would sit outside while Rick tried getting in to see Thomas, another Tarkio member.
The guards are fucking thick in there," he said.
"I suspected." Rick flashed him the pistol between his legs.
Whip moved closer, shielding the exchange as he slipped it into the hidden pocket inside his vest. "Let's get out of here. We can stop for Pie and talk before hitting the clubhouse."
"Pie?" Rick harrumphed. "What the fuck is the matter with you?"
He got on his Harley and started the bike. Leading the way away from the prison, he went over everything passed between him and Walker. The urge to see Twyla stronger than ever.
He needed the reminder that he was free.