Page 8 of His Loyal Rebel
"How old do you have to be to ride one of those?" The oldest boy pointed at the motorcycle.
"Fifteen years old when you get a license." He put on his helmet, leaving the strap dangling. "Then, you'll need to wait three more years until you're strong enough to hold up the bike."
"It's heavy?"
"Yep." He caught movement in the driveway and lifted his head.
The woman with the towel wrapped around her hair lugged a suitcase down the driveway. He eyed her legs, having not noticed they were bare under her long t-shirt before the door slammed.
"Hey, boys? Why don't you go help that lady with her bag?" He never took his eyes off her. "See if she needs help."
The kids ran off, quick to do his bidding.
At the door of the house, the other woman threw a sack outside. A hairbrush went scattering across the broken concrete.
The woman, in her hurry to gather her things, bumped into one of the boys. The towel on her head came undone, spilling her hair.
Blonde hair.
Whip's chest tightened. He recognized her from somewhere.
She snatched up the towel, took the sack from the kid, and stomped to the car parked in front of his motorcycle, completely ignoring him.
At the driver's door, she dropped everything and turned in a circle, patting her hips as if searching for something. Then, she dropped to her knees and opened her suitcase. Whip craned his neck, appreciating the sexy sight in front of him.
The two boys giggled, pointing at her. He let them have their fun. No matter the age, any male would enjoy two sweet cheeks peeking up at him.
She remained oblivious to baring her backside to the neighborhood. When she straightened, she rushed to get into the car. Before he could shake the arousal off him, she pulled away from the curb and drove away.
Only when he got a good look at the car could he place where he'd seen her before. She was the chick that tried to shoot the Cusclan member the other night.
"Fucking hell," he muttered, starting his Harley.
He took off in the same direction. By the time he reached the stop sign at the end of the block, she'd driven out of sight.
What in the hell was Ringtail doing getting mixed up with women who belonged to Cusclan Motorcycle Club?
He changed directions and headed toward Promise. It was time to sweep the club again and get rid of the weak.