Page 37 of His Loyal Rebel
Disappointed that Angie disregarded her feelings, once again, and showed no remorse for losing the house, she couldn't grasp why Whip offered her a room at the clubhouse.
It wasn't a motel. It was a private organization for members only. Male members.
He stepped closer and lowered his voice. "With Big out there ready to harass you, you're safe here."
"I'm safe around bikers?" She snorted. "Right. Now, you're the one who is being delusional."
"I can promise you that nobody here will touch you while you stay in the room." His gaze lowered to her mouth. "It's late. Relax and know you have somewhere to sleep tonight. We'll talk tomorrow, 'kay?"
Her stomach fluttered at the mention of sleeping here. Why had it seemed as if he was asking her to share his room?
Tomorrow was a workday. She was on the schedule to work from three in the afternoon until eleven o'clock when the restaurant closed.
Breaking away from looking at Whip, she took in the building, knowing there was a bathroom with a shower. A door she could lock or at least pile her stuff in front of while she slept to make sure nobody tried to gain entrance.
She met his gaze again. "Fine."
His brows relaxed. "Good."
"One night."
"You're not going to have time to look for another place to stay." He paused. "You mentioned you work for the next three days. Just stay here until something better comes around."
Had she told him her schedule? She couldn't remember.
"Good things don't come knocking. I need to get out there and hunt for a place."
"Don't worry about it tonight." He stepped around her, brushing against the front of her.
She shivered at the close contact, reminded of what they'd done together. How he'd touched her. What he'd done with his mouth.
She backed away, stepping into the room.
Before she could close the door, Whip turned around in the hallway and faced her again. "Do you want a drink or something to eat?"
The odd feelings inside of her could be blamed on hunger. She hadn't had anything to eat since starting work that afternoon. There was no way she'd be able to sleep with the music blaring in the other room and about a hundred people hanging out inside and outside the clubhouse.
Even having her sister in the other room failed to make her feel safe and secure in her new surroundings.
Whip was the only one she halfway knew after spending six days with him at the cabin. She knew he'd keep her safe.
"I could eat," she mumbled, dropping her purse on the floor.
He hitched his chin. "Come with me, and I'll find you something."
She followed him out to the big room at the front of the building. At the closest empty table, he pulled out a chair. She sat, but he had already moved across the room.
He surprised her. She never figured a biker would pull out her chair, but then again, he always did things that showed her he was paying attention to her. Even at the cabin, he made sure she ate and had privacy to use the outhouse between bossing her around.
Planting her elbows on the surface, she looked around for Angie. She couldn't help being mad at her sister.
If circumstances were switched, she would've helped her sister. But Angie's sole interests were centered on Ringtail.
She snarled. Everything always centered around Angie's selfishness. If her sister thought Twyla was getting any sort of attention, she'd do something outrageous to make sure everyone's focus centered on her.
Angie loved playing the victim. Growing up, Twyla was the easiest person to blame. It used to bother her when her parents believed Angie without even questioning her.
She slouched against the back of the chair. All she wanted was for her life to straighten out. Her sister could have all the Tarkio bikers at her beck and call if that's what she wanted.