Page 25 of His Loyal Rebel
For how much trouble it was to wash the clothes in the river, it would've been easier to go swimming, fully clothed, with a bar of soap.
She entered the clearing and dumped the clothes on the towel spread out on the hood of her car. It'd been four days of living in the cabin with Whip.
Four long days.
She tested the rope strung from the handle of her car door to a nearby pine tree, then draped the clothes over the line. Thank goodness, she remembered Mrs. Guilihad hanging up clothes next door while she was growing up. At least she trusted the clothes would dry. Though she had no idea how clean they would be seeing water skippers on the surface of the water near the river bank.
"Where're my clothes?" asked Whip behind her.
She rolled her eyes. He acted like she would break her silence if he kept asking stupid questions.
His clothes were exactly where he'd dropped them on the bank. He could wash his own things. She wasn't his maid.
He hadn't asked her to come with him. Whip and his cronies gave her no choice but to go with him to the cabin. She'd missed two days of work, including picking up her check. All because they thought Big sent the cops after Whip.
She couldn't believe Big would do this to her.
Exhaling loudly, she picked up the last pair of panties and hung them over the clothesline. Actually, she could imagine him making her suffer. The jerk couldn't believe she wanted to leave him. That's why he kept trying to get her back.
Big was delusional. He wanted what he couldn't have, and once she told him she was done shacking up with him and didn't want to be involved with him anymore, he'd turned into an asshole.
She wasn't going to move in with anyone to save a few dollars on rent. If she couldn't swing a monthly payment by herself, she'd work two jobs until she could.
Whip ducked under the line and walked toward the river. She glared at his back. He was no better than Big.
She should never have let him in her pants. Just like Big, he got what he wanted and then never touched her again until he got an itch.
Obviously, Whip's itch didn't need scratching because he hadn't touched her again.
Done with her clothes, she sat on the hood of her car, letting the sunshine warm her. There was no use going in the small cabin. Without television or something to grab her attention, all she could do was stare at four walls or Whip.
She leaned back on her hands and tilted her face to the sky. Closing her eyes, she exhaled loudly.
At least Whip had allowed her to call into work and talk to the lead waitress before carting her off to a cabin out in BFE. She was able to have two other waitresses cover her shift throughout the week, allowing her to keep her job.
Whip promised to have her back to the house by Sunday.
The whole situation was frustrating. She wasn't sure if Big was a threat or not. Not to her, at least. She wouldn't doubt that Big sent the cops after Whip. He had a jealous streak. But she found it hard to believe that Big or Cusclan would physically hurt her.
She kept her eyes closed and never moved. "Why do you call me that? I'm not your sister."
In fact, after what they'd done together, calling her sis was an insult.
The car moved underneath her. She opened her eyes to find him setting his clothes beside her on the hood.
"I don't know why I do it." He picked up a wet pair of his jeans and stepped over to the make-shift clothesline. "It just comes out of my mouth."
She studied him. He continued hanging his clothes as if things weren't strange between them. He'd probably already forgotten about having oral sex with her.
"I don't get you." She hopped off the car and walked to the cabin.
If he was going to stay outside, she'd go inside. Climbing the ladder, she went to the loft and crawled over to the bed. To her surprise, the mattress was more comfortable than any place she'd slept lately.
A lot had to do with Whip leaving the window open every night. The fresh air and snuggling under a heavy blanket in the summer were absolute heaven, despite the circumstances.
She closed her eyes. Time went incredibly slow, not having anything to do.