Page 42 of His Other Half
Chapter 17
Banks stormed intothe office. "George Cody is parked out front and says he's scheduled for a front panel repair. Why the hell didn't I know about that?"
Josie flipped the book around on her desk. "Right there. Three o'clock."
Banks leaned over the desk and punched the schedule. "Shit."
"Problem?" She clicked the end of the pen in her hand with her thumb, ready to reschedule customers.
"The guy is a dick and hard to deal with on any job." Banks shook his head and went over to the coffee maker. "Any left?"
"Fresh pot made fifteen minutes ago." She relaxed, knowing his anger wasn't her fault. "Do you want me to stay later?"
"No, hon. You can go home at five o'clock." Banks poured the coffee into a grease-and-oil-stained mug he'd used all day. "Do we have the part?"
"Already on the rack." She looked through the window into the garage.
"Good." He walked toward the door. "Do me a favor and call the clubhouse. See if Paco can swing by and lend a hand tonight. I want Cody's car done and out of here by morning before he ruins my fucking weekend."
"Okay." She waited until Banks left and then let her back bow in dread.
She hadn't seen or heard from Paco in two weeks. He'd stayed true to his word and wanted nothing to do with her. Considering how he'd treated her when she tried to help him at his house, she hoped he stayed away for good.
It hurt to even think about him, much less see him.
She wasn't sure if she was a fool for seeing something different in him or blind to the real man behind the drinking and drugs.
Either way, she was the one hurting. He was probably on to his next woman, his next drug, his next good time.
Blowing out her breath, she picked up the phone, found the number for the clubhouse, and dialed. The call connected. Loud music blared into her ear several seconds before a gruff voice came over.
"Is Paco there?" she asked.
"Let me look." The music filtered through the phone.
Her foot bounced under the desk, imagining him there with another woman. Glancing at the clock, she timed him.
Five minutes later, Paco said, "Yeah?"
"This is Banks' Body Shop. Banks wanted me to ask if you could come by after closing today?" Her pulse throbbed in her neck.
All it'd taken was one word in his deep voice to get her going. She held her breath, knowing if he spoke a complete sentence, she'd probably lose the control to hold back her tears.
She was going to treat him as if he was a business associate. Professional and courteous. Whatever had gone on between them was over. She was working.
She would not fall apart. She would not ask how he is doing. She would not—
"This is Banks' secretary. He wanted me to call." She cupped her forehead. The conversation was ridiculous. She shouldn't be the one who had to act differently.
He cleared his throat. "Tell him I'll be there."
"I will. Goodbye." She slammed the phone down in the receiver, unable to hold back her frustration. A lot of good that had done her. He probably couldn't hear her rudeness over the music blaring in the background.
She walked out to the garage, passing the message to Banks. Then, she went back to her desk to work.