Page 93 of His Old Lady
"Yeah?" Tracy straightened and looked over her shoulder. "Do the kids need me?"
"They went right to sleep." He stepped outside and caressed the back of Tracy's head. "Curley called. He's hung up at the clubhouse and wanted Faye to know she can go home, and he'll meet her there in an hour."
"I take it, he means his house," said Faye.
"I assumed that." Rick stayed at the door. "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll escort you."
"No, need. It only takes a few minutes, and I'm going right there."
She smiled at Tracy's husband as she stood. "Positive. I'll just tiptoe inside and get my bag, and you guys will hopefully have two minutes to yourself while the kids nap."
Tracy laughed. "Don't count on it."
She gathered her belongings and quietly left the house. After giving Tracy a hug and smiling at Rick, she got in her car, excited to see Curley. A week was too long to be apart. She almost wished it wasn't a work night, and they could stay home. But at least he'd be at Promise with her.
While each night, more customers came to have a drink or two, business remained intimate and quiet compared to her previous work. The Tarkio members went from clubhouse to Promise, always checking in. Luckily, the low overhead expenses got paid, but she knew they'd need to expand if Curley ever thought he'd make a living from the bar.
A red light flashed on the dash of the car. She groaned. Paco had already fixed the oil problem. What could be wrong now?
Rounding the corner, she peered ahead, hoping to see Curley's Harley parked in the driveway. Instead, she found a maroon car parked in his spot. She slowed down. The vehicle looked familiar, though she couldn't place who it belonged to. Probably one of the Tarkio members vehicles.
She pulled in beside the car. Picking up her bag, she got out and peered into the other vehicle. Since staying with Curley, Tarkio members hadn't entered the house without him, but the seat was empty. Maybe Curley told whoever it was to go inside and wait.
Carrying her keys, she walked to the front door and tried the handle. It was locked.
She glanced back to the driveway. It must be a Tarkio member's car, and they took off. Maybe whoever it was had to meet them at the clubhouse.
Unlocking the door, she stepped inside when she heard her name called. She turned around and scanned the yard outside. Nerves filled her being at Curley's house alone instead of in the comfort of her house in Superior where she knew everyone.
"Wait. Faye," yelled a male voice.
She stuck her head out the doorway and found Cal jogging toward her from the side yard. "What in the world are you doing here? What were you doing in the backyard?"
How had he known where she was staying? She held on to the doorknob, prepared to shut the door if he came too close.
"I've been trying to get ahold of you, but you weren't answering the phone. I thought you might be outside." Cal stopped and gulped for air. "Angela told me where I could find you. Stephanie had an emergency. Her mom got in an accident with Jeff in the car. It doesn't look like her mom is going to make it."
"Oh, my God." She dropped her bag at her feet and stepped outside. "What about her son?"
"I don't know." Cal shook his head. " She's falling apart and needs you at the hospital."
"Which one?" Her heart raced.
"The community hospital in Superior." He looked at his watch. "It's taken so long to find you..."
"I'll go to her." She shut the door, locking it.
Hurrying to the driveway, she was halfway to her car and remembered the engine light had come on. It was an hour drive to Superior.
"Wait." She backstepped toward the house. "My car is acting up. I need to call someone to come and get me."
"There's no time. If something happens to Stephanie's boy, she's going to—"
"Don't say that." She worked her lips in worrying, not knowing what to do.
"Come on. You can ride with me." Cal stood at his car. "It'll be faster."