Page 91 of His Old Lady
"I forgot to scream to the world that you belong to me." She smiled lazily.
He lowered himself down and rolled to his side, taking her with him. "You didn't yell, but there was a lot of moaning. Maybe someone heard you."
"You think?" She inhaled deeply, completely sated.
He chuckled and kissed her softly. "No, but there's always next time."
She laughed lazily. "I love you."
"I know you do." He brushed the bits of grass off her back. "I've always known."
"Because you love me?" she whispered.
"More than you'll ever know," he whispered back.
Squeezed against him, her happiness was off the charts. To think they could've been loving each other all these years, and instead fought and kept their space, only drilled in the need for her never to be apart from him again.