Page 80 of His Old Lady
Chapter 28
Staying two steps behindFaye after she dropped that bombshell about not crawling in his bed all those years ago, Curley blocked the doorway to the bedroom, making sure she couldn't escape. She was going to keep her ass home until he heard what else she had to say.
Tension bowed his muscles, and he braced against the doorframe. "I pulled you into bed?"
He'd never once had to force a woman to sleep with him. There were plenty of females to go around. Hell, he could walk out the door right now, crook his finger, and he'd have girls willing to take his dick.
She had to know that his choice was always her. It'd always been her, even when he fought until he was black, blue, and bloody not to take her.
"Faye, answer me." He stepped into the room. "Why would you say I pulled you into bed when you crawled into bed that morning?"
She shook her head. "I took you home and put you to bed the night before. If you remember, your Harley was still at the clubhouse. You were wasted, and when you fell into bed, you kept begging me to cuddle."
Bile rose in his throat. He couldn't remember what happened that night to save his life. All he knew was he'd stayed at the clubhouse and drowned himself because Roddy mentioned seeing Faye drive by the clubhouse earlier. "I don't cuddle."
She snorted. "You did that night."
His gut tightened, remembering her body against him and how she'd felt in his arms. The softness and sweetness had distracted him from the killer headache and general feelings of crap he'd had from knocking back too many drinks.
He gawked at her, trying to remember. Wishing he could remember.
"Don't sweat it," she whispered, turning back to fold the clothes she'd worn yesterday to work and stuffing them in her bag. "It was a long time ago."
He was guilty of committing a lot of crimes in his life, but to force her...
"Faye?" He stepped forward.
"Really. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just put what happened behind us and move on."
If she refused to talk about what happened, there was only one way for him to find out what he'd done.
He left the room and returned to the kitchen, turning off the burner. There was no time for coffee. He needed to get to the prison during visiting hours and hope Walker would see him. His MC brother was the only one who would know what happened. Faye had leaned on her uncle, going two-three times a week during that time after he'd slept with her.
Hell, he'd taken her because he had no other idea on how to help her. She'd been a teenager. Having sex with her wasn't supposed to happen.
Faye came into the room and stopped. "Coffee?"
"Yeah." He rubbed the top of his head, trying to answer her. "There are cups on the hooks. Sugars in the tub. Help yourself."
She slid in beside him. "Do you want me to pour you a mug?"
"No time." He backed away from her, not trusting himself around her. "I'm taking off."
"Where are you going?"
He turned and went to the bedroom. The news scrambled his head. He needed to get out of here, away from her.
Finishing getting dressed, he tucked his pistol behind his back and slipped on his vest. As the V.P. of Tarkio, the others would kill him if they found out he'd forced Faye to have sex when she was seventeen years old—and he'd hand them all the bullets to do the job.
He grabbed his duffle in the living room and slipped outside. Having left his Harley in the driveway next to Faye's car, he knew she'd have a way to get home.
He sat the motorcycle when Faye came out of the front door. Seeing her pierced his heart. Ask him to do anything to protect his club, and he'd be the first to volunteer, but he would never hurt her.
"Wait." She ran to him, using the tank of the Harley to stop her forward momentum on the slight incline of the driveway. "You forgot to kiss me goodbye."
He squeezed the handlebars and braced as her head came closer. She kissed him, holding her lips against his, and pulled back frowning.