Page 74 of His Old Lady
Chapter 26
Faye's girlfriendssequestered her in the back corner of Promise. Curley sat at the table in the front corner with Priest, but his attention was on the girls. They were surrounding Faye and going by the severe expressions on their faces, he wondered if Faye was explaining the fire to them or the fact, she was going home with him after work.
"I'm scheduled to go to the prison on Sunday." Priest drained the rest of the beer in his mug. "Walker will ask about Faye."
Curley strummed his thumb against the surface of the table. As his role in the club, he'd gone to the prison once a month to check up on Tarkio members serving time but had refused to see Walker. Which meant Priest made the trip for him.
"Yeah." He took in Faye's lowered brows as she nodded to the others. "Tell him what he wants to know."
Priest would do what he wanted, anyway. It wasn't his job to give his president permission to talk to other members—and Walker still owned the patch.
He was more concerned about watching over Faye than what happens with Walker at the moment. He'd pulled Elliot off of watching over Faye earlier. With her being with him every day and night, he would keep her safe. Word quickly got around, and he made one announcement about his living situation to Banks, and the rest of the Tarkio members were up to date on his life.
Jerry approached the table, blocking Curley's view of Faye. "Aaron, Roddy, and Paco are heading this way."
His chest tightened. "Good."
He'd sent the three Tarkio members over to the lounge in Superior to scope out Cal Williams. After Faye had contacted her insurance company and started the process of having the fire investigated, he'd set her down to talk about her old boss.
Hearing Cal had put the moves on Faye and scared her enough to quit, it took everything he had not to ride over there and get him out of her life. Luckily, Faye was smart. She'd made sure Cal never got her alone, and she quit her job to get away from him.
He hoped she was telling him everything. If he found out Cal had harmed her in any way, he'd kill the son of a bitch.
"I'm going outside to meet them." He stood from the table, slapped Jerry on the arm. "Thanks, brother."
"Not a problem." Jerry took Curley's place at the table.
There were six customers at the bar besides ten or so Tarkio members. A group of men who'd come from a party down the street. They spent their time bullshitting and eyeing the waitresses, content to have a place to drink.
He approached the girls and slipped his hand into Faye's, pulling her away from her friends. "I’m stepping outside. Hammer and Chrischris are here if you run into a problem."
"We've got things covered." She raised her brows. "If you can give Jenna some money, she'll pick up more signs. Supposedly, her cousin works at the store downtown that sells office supplies and stuff. She says they have all kinds of advertisements, and the place can also print them with the bar's name on them. It'll look more professional."
It took him a few seconds to understand what she was talking about. He'd forgotten about her conversation the other day about getting word out on the street about the new bar in town.
"Unless you want me to—"
"No. That's good." He slid his hand underneath her hair and pulled her closer. "You already have too much on your plate. I'll make sure to give Jenna something extra for doing that for Promise."
Her gaze softened. "That's nice of you."
She leaned her shoulder into him and grinned. He grunted, patting her ass. Despite all her hardships in life, she still believed in kindness when all he recognized was a paid job.
He let his hand wander, caressing the roundness of her ass. "I need to go talk with the others."
"Okay." She turned toward him. "I need to check on the customers."
She leaned away to move, and he hooked her hip, bringing her back. Claiming her lips, he took the kiss hard and deep, before pulling back.
Faye gazed up at him in a daze. He steadied her swaying body. At that moment, he wished he hadn't started the business to distract her because he could be at home with her in his bed instead of standing in Promise.
She walked backward away from him, staring at him curiously until she tucked her hair behind her ear to hide a slight smile. He rocked back on the heels of his boots, punched stupid by her happiness.
Once she turned and went back to work, he walked outside. He lit a cigarette, letting his fingers linger on his lips. Lips that still vibrated from the kiss.
Halfway through his smoke, Aaron, Roddy, and Paco rode up to the building. He walked to the corner and tossed the butt to the ground as the motorcycles quieted.