Page 102 of His Road Dog
Chapter 39
PRIEST STALKED TOWARDher. Adrenaline shot through Nicole, and she backed away from him. The closer he got, the more her body vibrated. She'd seen that look in his eyes before.
When he was within an arm length of her, she squealed and ran naked through the house. Entering the bedroom, she realized her mistake and tried to turn, but he blocked her way. She'd run out of escape routes.
"I'm sorry." She held her palms up in front of her, stifling her laughter. "It was too tempting. I couldn't help myself."
He growled, forcing her deeper into the room. The back of her legs hit the bed, and she lost her balance. Landing on the mattress, she gave up the battle and laughed loudly.
"You like tickling my feet?" He nudged her legs apart and scooted her to the middle of the bed. "Fair game, babe."
His fingers wrapped around her ankle, raising it high in the air. Oh, God.
Her stomach fluttered. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth.
After her shower, she'd found him stretched out on the couch with only a pair of jeans on and taking a nap after one intense round of sex. His bare feet hanging off the arm cushion was too tempting to ignore. Knowing how ticklish he was, she'd quietly ran the tip of her finger over his sole. He'd erupted from the couch.
She shouldn't have done it.
But knowing what his reaction would be was too tempting to resist.
Last week, she'd found his weakness, and it delighted her that such a big, strong, dominating man could be undone by a simple brush of her finger on the bottom of his foot.
He moved her leg and put her big toe in his mouth. Every nerve in her body tingled at the sucking motion from his tongue.
Her back bowed on the bed. "God, that feels so good."
Priest pressed the pad of his thumb into the arch of her foot without taking her toe out of his mouth. Her pussy spasmed at the erotic play, and she squirmed on the mattress.
He removed her toe from his mouth and kissed his way up her foot, her ankle, her calf, lingering on her inner thigh as he put her knee over his shoulder. As if reading his mind, she let her other leg fall to the side, opening herself up to his mouth.
"Please?" She lifted her arms, stretching out on the bed.
He gripped behind both her knees and lifted her bottom before diving to her pussy. She fisted her hands and beat the mattress at the overwhelming shock of pleasure his mouth brought her. What she thought was impossible was absolutely possible with Priest.
They'd had sex two hours ago and then had breakfast before she jumped in the shower. Her body acted as if he'd never touched her. Desperate and greedy, she came alive.
He pushed her thighs wider with his shoulders. His tongue prodded and then softened, licked, and then flicked. Her clitoris throbbed with each stroke.
Using his thumbs, he separated her folds and suctioned his lips against her body. Her head pressed into the mattress, and she panted big gulps of air. For a frozen second, she couldn't remember to breathe.
She struggled to lift her head and finally managed to stare down her body. Her gaze collided with his. A quiver rolled through her.
Arousal heated his eyes, and he became more determined, groaning against her pussy. The vibrations made by his mouth only weakened her.
She lifted her hips, pressing her mound against his face. His tongue a never-ending torture to her senses. He kept her on edge, backing away when her thighs clamped down on his head, then diving back in when she relaxed.
His beard caresses her everywhere, the strands getting caught in her slit, brushing her thighs, stroking her wetness.
But, he refused to let her orgasm.
"Michael?" She squeezed her eyes closed and reached blindly for him, trying to pull him up and over her.
Her desire to have him inside her drained the energy out of her. She couldn't hold on much longer.