Page 85 of The Sandbar saga
Callie giggled and crawled toward him, her arm darting out to wiggle her fingers against his stomach. "You like to tickle, huh?"
"Mommy tickles me."
"Do you like that?"
She giggled again. "It makes me laugh."
"I knew your mommy a long time ago before you were born."
"Yes, it's true." He inhaled deeply. "We loved each other, and she had a baby."
Hoping she was too young to question the dynamics about how that happened, he watched for any signs that she was upset by the news.
"That baby was you," he said.
"Me?" Callie pointed at her chest. "I was a baby. I'm a big girl now."
"Yes, you are." He pointed to his chest. "Do you know my name?"
Callie's brows lowered, and then her eyes widened. "Doctor!"
"Well, I am a doctor." He leaned closer and lowered his voice to get her attention. "I'm also your dad."
"I don't have a dad." Callie rolled backward and flipped to her stomach. "Mommy, me, my dollies."
"I think the more we're together, you'll learn that I'm your dad. Does that sound fun?"
Callie sat up. "Where's Mommy?"
Not wanting to upset her and giving her enough information for the day, he pushed himself to his feet. "Let's go in and see if it's about time for her to pick you up."
"Okay." She grabbed ahold of his hand and skipped beside him.
He walked back to the hedge, picked up her shoes, and when he tried to put them on her feet, she lifted her arms in the air.
"Do you want me to carry you?" At her nod, he scooped her up.
Marveling at her tiny body, he had trouble breathing when she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulders. Keeping her safe in his arms, he slowly walked to the cottage.
Inside, he put her on her feet, reluctant to let go of her. Glancing at the clock, he was surprised that he only had 5 more minutes with her. The time together flew by.
"Take a seat on the chair, and I'll put your shoes on. Do you know how to tie?"
She shook her head. "I 'pose to learn for school. Mommy said all big girls can tie."
"Your mom is right." He tied them slowly, letting her watch. "I can help you learn before you start school. Would you like that?"
He patted her knee and straightened the same time the front door opened. "You were a good girl today. I had fun."
Katie walked to the office door and stuck her head in, smiling at Callie. "All ready?"
"Mommy." Callie ran to her and lifted her arms.
Katie leaned down and kissed Callie's upturned nose. "You're too big for me to carry."