Page 65 of The Sandbar saga
She was old enough to know her mind, understand her feelings, and act on them.
His mistake was thinking her emotional connection to him would evolve, and she'd understand that loving him would lead to heartbreak.
He rubbed his hands over his face. It was getting harder to force her to snuff out her emotional connection to him. She'd graduated to physical attraction.
When she was in the same room as him, dressed to appeal to him, she came with an agenda. He was getting damn tired of taking out his frustrations on not acting on his feelings. Hell, lately he'd developed callouses on the palm of his right hand.
Even now, his cock throbbed, wanting her, wanting to let her discover what she thinks she wants from him.
Not able to let her go and suffer through him turning down a date, he ordered pizza, then closed up the cottage for the night. He'd keep things simple and clear. Hopefully, a platonic night at home in front of the television, eating pizza, and talking would get her mind off his rejection.
Walking over to the house, he let himself in through the sliding door in the backyard. In the front of the house, a door shut.
Curious, he walked to the foyer and looked out the window. Katie's old car backed out of the driveway. He exhaled heavily.
She'd gone out. Dressed like a young woman looking for attention.
Upset at him, she probably wanted to make him hurt as much as she was over his lack of letting her have her way.
He took his phone out of his pocket and called her. Thankfully, her voicemail came on. He wouldn't want her talking on the phone and driving.
"Call me." He paused. "I want you to come back home."
He turned from the window, hoping she'd get his message before she made a terrible mistake and acted out to prove he was wrong about them.