Page 24 of The Sandbar saga
The door shut. She stared at the box, afraid to open it and be disappointed. It was the first sign that her mother even remembered sending her away.
She latched on to the hope that she wasn't forgotten and got up from the bed to find the scissors in her desk drawer. Her heart raced. She had to pee, but once she was prepared to open the box, she couldn't stop herself from seeing what was inside.
Tearing the cardboard flap free, she ripped open the top as if it was Christmas morning, and she was three years old.
On top of numerous sacks, a piece of paper caught her attention. She picked up the note and swallowed, recognizing the handwriting.
Katie —
Here are some things you might find useful.
See you on Friday,
Dr. C
Dr. Conner? Her disappointment that it wasn't her mother went away with happiness that he'd buy her more things.
She dropped the note and opened the first bag. There were three journals inside, each one new and blank on the inside. The next bag contained shampoo, conditioner, detangler, and a couple bottles; she had no idea what they would do for her hair. She liked that surprise. The school only gave out cheap shampoo to each room. Having a better brand and being able to brush her hair without struggling was helpful.
She found sweatpants and sweatshirts with the St. Mary's emblem on the thigh. No longer would she have to wear the ugly shorts they gave her in P.E. class.
Opening another sack, she found bras—sports bras, lace bras, and soft bras. Her face warmed, and a tingling warmth zipped through her lower stomach. Had Dr. Conner bought them?
She couldn't imagine him going to the store and asking for bras that would fit a thirteen-year-old girl. Holding the soft one against her chest, she looked down. Besides wearing her mother's bra that one time so long ago, she hadn't had one of her own to wear, and she needed one. Badly.
She tugged off her shirt and used the scissors to cut the tags off the bra. Putting it on, she wiggled the straps, figuring out how to tighten them. Walking over to the mirror above the desk, she gazed up, surprised the bra fit perfectly. Not too big, not too small.
After she admired herself with her shirt on, too, she picked up the last sack. Inside were feminine pads and tampons. She blew out her breath in relief. During her second week at school, she'd started her period. While she knew why and what to do, she was stuck with thick pads from the office. Not to mention the embarrassment of having to tell Ms. Scott she'd started bleeding.
Overwhelmed with gratitude for Dr. Conner, knowing she needed the things in the box, she gathered all the bags to throw away when she noticed one more sack at the bottom. Dropping everything, she reached inside and pulled out a box covered in gift wrap with a card attached.
She sat down on the bed and ripped open the envelope.
Happy 13th Birthday.
Every teenager needs their own cell phone. It's charged and ready for you to use.
Dr. C
Everything else forgotten, she tore off the wrapping paper and pulled the box apart. Holding the phone in her hand, she turned it over, looking for the ON button. A tinkling sound filled the room, and the screen came to life.
She flung herself back on the bed, kicking her feet in the air in excitement. Her own phone!
All the girls at the school had them. They sent texts to each other and could call their parents whenever they wanted, even between classes.
She rolled around to her front and looked through the phone. There was a text waiting for her. Tapping the icon, she could see one from Race.
That was Dr. Conner's first name.
She drew in her bottom lip and bit down. Finding the reply button, she noticed the option to call instead of text. Tomorrow was Friday. Would he not come because he sent the gifts instead?
She pushed the button and held the phone to her ear.
Before she could think of what to say, Dr. Conner said, "Katie?"
"I see you've opened your present. How do you like it?"