Page 95 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 40
Almost at the end ofCoco's shift at the bar, Heather flanked her side. "Are you feeling okay?"
Coco wiped down the round barrier around the fire in the middle of the room. "Yeah. Why?"
"You're quiet." Heather studied her, straightening the chairs at the nearest table. "You're the one who usually keeps us pepped-up during work.
"I don't have enough energy tonight to be a server and a cheerleader." She mustered a smile. "I probably ate too much at lunch. Peach handed me a turkey sub sandwich on the way to the breakroom, and I ate the whole thing."
"Ah, turkey will get you every time." Heather carried a tray away.
She finished cleaning where someone's drink had spilled and then carried the dirty rags to the bin behind the counter. Peer would've been taking her and Tyr to Norway in twelve hours if their plans hadn't changed.
Instead, she was working for another hour and then going to bed. Peer may or may not have sex with her when they got home, and then Tyr would wake them both up and keep them busy until it was time to go to work again tonight.
She couldn't remember if Kelli was scheduled to come over or not. Peer told her yesterday not to worry about her visits anymore, because he'd stay at the house for the hour she was allowed to come over.
As if she could shut off her thoughts that easily.
She harrumphed under her breath. Having another woman slide right into her life, her home, her family irritated her.
Grabbing the orders under the warming light, she walked out on the floor. She glanced over at Peer talking with a couple of men by the cash register. His attentiveness and interest in the conversation in front of him even set wrong with her. He should be disappointed about not moving.
He was the one that had wanted to go to Norway in the first place. She was the one who was hesitant. Not that it mattered now. Apparently, it was more important to have Kelli in their lives than it was for them to have a future together.
She bumped into a large object and startled. The tray tipped, and she grabbed it with both hands before the contents slid onto the floor.
"Whoa." A male customer grabbed her arms, steadying her.
She snapped her gaze up into an older man's face. "I'm so sorry."
He eyed her up and down. "You're not hurt?"
She shook her head. "Just clumsy."
"They say less than graceful women know how to dance," said the customer.
"I'll have to take your word for that." She laughed. "Let me get you a drink. I'll just set these down first. What's your pleasure?"
"Rum and Coke."
"Perfect." She handed the right plates to each person. Relieved that she hadn't spilled anything, she smiled to the others at the table. "Anyone else need anything?"
Once they no longer needed her, she went back to the bar and looked for Dinah to fill the free drink, but she was busy out on the floor. Peer spotted her and lifted his brows.
"One rum and Coke," she said.
He nodded and pulled out a bottle, glancing back at her. Her stomach fluttered, and not in a good way. She understood his concern about her attitude.
She'd been reluctant to talk because she didn't want to hear how Kelli was a part of their life now. She didn't want to hear how he still had feelings for the mother of his child. She didn't want to hear how it wouldn't work out between them.
"Who's tab?" He put the drink down on a tray.
"It's a free one. My clumsiness." She escaped before he could ask any more questions.
Serving the freebie, she checked in with her customers at other tables and then moved out of the way to tidy up behind the counter and pick up empty glasses.
Noticing Marcus still at the front door, working through his break, she slipped into the kitchen and poured him a cup of coffee with sugar, knowing that's how he liked it. She walked the drink to him.