Page 39 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 15
Peer pushed the doorof the clubhouse open. Coco, holding his hand, stepped around him and pulled him out into the alley. Then, she wound herself around him and kissed him deeply.
He chuckled against her lips. Pulling back without letting him go, she smiled up into his face.
"What's got you excited?" He palmed her ass.
"Do you know how long it's been since we've had a night together?" She trailed her hands over his shoulders, squeezing his biceps. "Just us."
"Last night at work," he said.
She playfully slapped his chest. "That doesn't count."
"Ja." He tugged her closer, pressing her lower body against him. "It does to me."
She puckered her lips, melting over how dedicated he was toward her when he lived such a busy life. She fell deeper in love with him every day, no matter if they were at work or at home playing with Tyr together.
"Do you think Tyr's okay?" She looked toward the clubhouse door, expecting someone to come out at any moment and tell them to come back inside.
When they'd left Tyr with the ladies inside, they were fighting over who got to play with him first. Leaving him while working had always been easy because Tyr loved being at the clubhouse with other toys, more people, and a bigger space to explore.
But, he'd had a rough night, and the lack of sleep made him clingy. He was trying to cut his first molars and was refusing to eat his normal foods, preferring to chew on his fingers.
"The Tylenol is probably kicking in, and they'll feed him when he wants to eat." He brought his hands up and cupped her neck, circling his thumb on the slope of her jaw. "He's fine, and if he needs us, someone will come find us."
"Okay." She leaned closer and kissed him. "If you say so."
"I do." He stepped back and tugged her hand. "Let's go get a beer."
Brage walked out of the clubhouse holding several bottles in his hand. Peer relieved him of two, popping the cap off one and handing the drink to Coco.
"Thanks." She tipped back the bottle, the coldness hitting the spot.
"Are you guys staying for a while?" Brage held out the rest of the bottles to other Slag members.
"Ja." Peer widened his stance, keeping Coco's hand in his. "It's early."
She leaned closer to him. They'd talked it over at home and decided if they stayed until two o'clock in the morning, they could keep Tyr on his sleeping schedule and have some time for themselves while having others babysit him.
Her stomach fluttered, thinking about when they could be together again. She was getting as bad as Peer, always thinking about sex and finding ways to make it happen.
"Good." Brage clapped Peer on the shoulder. "Enjoy."
As Brage walked away, Roar and Lizzy headed toward them. She waved excitedly and motioned them over. As soon as they were close, she let go of Peer, gave him her beer, and flung her arms around Lizzy, and then hugged Roar, taking him by surprise.
"I've missed you guys." She stepped away from Roar, laughing at the way he raised his brows. "I have."
"From what we heard, you're more entertained at Peer's house." The left side of Roar's beard twitched. "You're not even visiting us anymore."
She scoffed, looking behind her at Peer—who schooled his face. "You told them?"
Peer shrugged. She shook her head and turned back around. Of course, Lizzy knew how she felt about Peer, but she hadn't had time to have a meaningful talk about exactly what transpired since they'd gotten together to talk. She had wanted to wait until she could see Lizzy face to face because she wanted to let out the excitement, the love, the absolute craziness that was going through her with her relationship status change.
She looked at Lizzy, wanting to explain her good intentions. Holding the information back from her best friend wasn't done for any other reason than she wanted to share with Lizzy in a moment they could both talk and speculate and dream.
Lizzy cocked her head side to side, her eyes glowing in happiness. That's all it took. She launched herself back into Lizzy's arms, and both of them jumped up and down in a hug that threatened to crush her upper body.
"Oh, my God. I'm so happy for you." Lizzy danced her around without letting go.