Page 77 of Elling & Jackie
Chapter 30
Elling stood outsidethe coffee shop on the sidewalk. Jackie hurried toward him. It was almost midnight, having taken the time after work to change her clothes. She preferred other people not knowing she worked at Hotel Colman because of her work uniform when she was handling something personal.
She arrived in front of him out of breath. Not from physical exertion but because she was scared. Scared that what she wanted would be torn away from her or his reasons for seeing her was something different than she hoped for.
His gaze swept down her body and back up to her eyes. "You came."
"I'm a Stanton. My word is good." She cringed internally. Why had she said that? It was something Stassi would say. Or, Chief.
He stepped back and opened the door. She walked in front of him. It was awkward and wonderful at the same time. She'd never gone out with him on a date. The times she'd been with him had been hidden away in a hotel room.
Spotting an empty table in the back of the room, she wound her way past the other customers and sat down. Elling stood, looking around the room. She watched him in amusement. If he would've plunked himself down in a seat without learning about his surroundings first, she would've stayed on guard and aware of what was happening around her.
Elling pulled his chair around until the back was facing the wall and sat. It put him closer to her, but she accepted his intent for what it was. He wouldn't allow anyone to sneak up on him, which made her relax a little because it was hard enough for her to concentrate when he was near.
A waitress arrived at the table to take their orders. She asked for a cinnamon roll Frappuccino because of the late hour.
"What can I get for you?" The waitress directed her attention to Elling.
"Just a coffee," he said.
The waitress smiled at him. "Americano, white—?"
"Just coffee." Elling leaned back in his chair.
"Flavor? Cream...?"
He glanced at Jackie and flashed his attention back to the waitress with a deadpan expression. She pressed her lips together in amusement, waiting to hear what he had to say to get his preferred drink.
"Just coffee. Pour it straight out of the pot. Don't add anything to it. Then, bring it to me," said Elling. "Please."
When the waitress left, he said, "She seemed to have a difficult time understanding me."
"You don't visit coffee shops often, do you?"
"Nei. First time," he said.
She propped her elbows on the table and leaned her cheek against her clasped hands, loving the way he talked. "Not many people drink their coffee black or without sugar."
"Everyone does." He frowned. "How do you drink yours?"
"Wait and see." She lifted her brows. "I'll let you taste mine."
His gaze warmed and intensified. Her stomach fluttered. The way he looked...yeah, her mind went right to something else they could do together, too.
Luckily, the waitress brought their drinks, distracting her from her fantasies. She ripped the protective paper on her straw and put it in her drink, pushing the Frappuccino toward Elling.
He looked at her twice, then sucked on the straw. Tonight's serious conversation put on hold as she got used to having a crowd around her.
The subject matter was not something she wanted broadcasted around the room.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"Cold." He gave her back the drink. "It tastes like a sugary milkshake rather than coffee."
"Yeah, but it's delicious." She took another drink. "I don't drink hot coffee late at night because it wires me up, but this doesn't seem to bother me."
He lifted his mug to his lips, drank, and grunted. She studied him as he put the drink back on the table. It would take him a while to get used to someone else's coffee.