Page 73 of Elling & Jackie
Chapter 28
Barely inside the Brikkengate, Stassi opened the car door. Jackie reached out and grabbed her sister's wrist, keeping her from jumping out of the moving vehicle.
"Wait." She continued driving, skipping the parking area in the field, and going to the side of the garage to the left of the clubhouse. It was the closest she could get to the walking bridge over the creek where she could go to her parents' house.
"I saw their bikes." Stassi put her foot outside the car. "Hurry."
Leaving her keys in the ignition, Jackie followed her sister, running across the bridge and awkwardly navigating the pebbled path to the deck of the house where she could see her family.
Stassi launched herself on Thorn. Jackie landed in Jett's arms, squeezing him tightly, kissing his bearded cheek before moving on to Olin, and then Thorn. Tears of relief mixed with tears of guilt wet her face.
It was as if the stars had disappeared in the sky when Elling came back to her and tried to convince her he had nothing to do with her brothers and the Brikken men getting arrested and brought in for questioning. Her father, busy trying to keep his sons out of prison, wasn't able to personally return her phone calls until he finally contacted her to tell her that Jett and Thorn were home and the Feds were unable to charge them with any crime.
How that was possible, and why were none of them saying anything to her?
Because of the good news, she felt it was best to keep her connection to Elling to herself until she could go home and find out what happened. The only person who knew all the ugly details about her secret relationship with Elling was Stassi.
Her sister hadn't stopped lecturing her until she'd given her the truth and spilled her heart.
"Where're the girls?" she said, asking about her sisters-in-law.
"They're in the clubhouse, organizing the food for everyone." Jett looped his arm around Jackie's shoulder. "The older kids are watching the younger kids, so they're around here somewhere."
She turned her head and kissed Jett's right hand on her shoulder, knowing he probably couldn't feel her worry for him because of his permanent injuries. She wiped the tears from her cheeks under the watchful, tilted gaze of Chief. Seeing her father's concern only brought her emotions closer to the surface. She glanced at Stassi, hoping her sister wouldn't open her mouth about their talk.
Stassi was as stubborn as Chief, believing that every enemy of Brikken was an enemy of hers. She'd been disappointed in Jackie. Sure, her sister never told her that directly, but she could sense the unsaid accusations about betraying the family.
Her mom carried a stack of food containers out of the house and set on the outside table. Jackie left her brother's side to help. Anytime someone returned from prison or from being held for questioning, Brikken Motorcycle Club always came together to celebrate.
But it wasn't the only reason she was here.
She selfishly needed to be around family right now.
After talking with Stassi and getting her input, she'd come to the realization she couldn't go to Chief or her mom for advice when it came to Elling. Even Stassi couldn't understand how she could open herself to getting hurt by a member of Slag.
The best thing she could do was stay close to those she loved and hope her heart would eventually stop hurting.
"How's work going for you, honey?" Her mom removed a bag of ice from the freezer and handed it to her.
She fisted the plastic and held the bag at her side. "Staying busy. The summer season brings more guests because of all the activities going on in downtown Portland but also a higher turnover rate in the housekeeping and maintenance departments as the younger workers decide having a social life is more fun than earning a paycheck. So, between my regular duties, I find myself having to oversee the new trainees and making sure the guests are happy during their stay."
"I bet you meet such interesting people." Her mom picked up a sack of food. "I can't imagine traveling for a job or being away from home. I think it would be too lonely."
"Hm." She never thought about her guests and what they do away from the hotel. "I don't know. A lot of travelers seem happy and excited to explore a new city."
"Well, don't let one of the male guests capture your heart and sweep you far, far away from us." Her mom's bottom lip extended, and she looked around the kitchen. "Okay, I think that's all I'm taking over to the clubhouse. Let's get the boys to pack this stuff over for us while they're here."
She followed her mom out onto the deck. Chief hooked her neck, bringing her to his side. No matter his age, her father always made her feel like a little girl again. She handed the bag of ice to Thorn and wrapped her arms around Chief's waist, rising to her tiptoes to put a kiss on his cheek.
"Love you, Jacqueline. Remember that." He kissed her forehead. "Best we get over there and feed the men."
Her mom handed off the supplies to everyone else and with her arms now free, held Chief's hand. Jackie walked on the other side of Chief. They fell back from the others, letting those walking faster go on the bridge first. There was something about being embraced by her family that made the years disappear.
She would never be too old for the support, love, and acceptance of her parents.
Being unable to talk to them about what was important to her hurt her already broken heart.
On the one hand, she had her mom hinting about finding love. The gentle nudging was expected at her age, and she had always dreamed about finding the right man and forming a life with him. But, to love what she couldn't have had never been something she wanted for herself.