Page 50 of Elling & Jackie
Chapter 18
Another woman walkedout of the room across the hallway with Jacqueline. Elling widened the door a smidge to watch them longer. Only able to see a side profile, he changed his opinion on calling Jacqueline's guest a woman.
She was a young girl. One with darker hair, almost black, and stood a couple inches shorter than Jacqueline.
From his background search, he knew she had a younger sister. He put the door back to stay hidden behind the space he'd created. Having been gone most the day and evening, he hadn't been aware that Jacqueline had a visitor. He only knew that someone else had been at the front desk downstairs that morning, but that wasn't unusual. Jacqueline worked in the afternoon until eleven o'clock at night.
Today must be her day off.
The elevator dinged. He squinted down the hallway, making sure the agent's door remained shut and then waited to see who was coming.
A black leather vest entered his view, blocking his sight to Jacqueline's room. He pressed his back against the wall, seeing the Brikken patch. If he were spotted, all hell was going to break loose.
"You're here already? We were going to go downstairs and have a bowl of ice cream?" said a female voice.
"I gave you an extra hour, sis. I don't need you falling asleep on the back of the bike. Plus, it's Jackie's day off. Let her get to bed early and catch up on her sleep."
The door shut, cutting off the rest of the conversation. Apparently, the Brikken member was either Jett, Olin, or Thorn, Jacqueline's three brothers, and the ones he needed to stay away from.
Fifteen minutes later, her door opened again, and all three of them stepped out of the room. He kept his foot pressed against the back of the door, aware that one push and any of them could charge in.
"Love you," said Jacqueline.
"Love you, too, sis. Stay safe," said her brother.
A feminine groan reached his ears. "I wish I could stay one more day."
Elling looked away. Hearing their conversation unsettled him. The way they talked to each other showed they cared. There was a sense of intimacy and love between them.
"Next time," said Jacqueline. "Nordy's is having their boot sale next month. Maybe you can talk mom into coming with you, and we can make it a girls' weekend."
"She won't stay without Chief."
"We'll work something out," said Jacqueline.
"We need to hit the road."
"Ride safe. Tell everyone hi for me and give the kids a kiss."
"They don't even remember what their Aunt Jackie looks like."
"Shut up," muttered Jacqueline.
"Just saying, if you moved back—"
"Don't start."
"Think about it," said her brother. "I'll see you soon."
He waited for her door to shut, and when the elevator dinged, and he still hadn't heard anything out in the hallway, he peeked out.
"I know you're there, Elling," she whispered. "Good night."
He remained silent, unable to say what he wanted in case something happened to her.
Her door shut.