Page 21 of Elling & Jackie
Chapter 9
Brage sat on his motorcyclebeside Elling's Harley. He picked up his duffle after the women inside the clubhouse supplied him with enough food to see him through the next twenty-four hours. Thankfully, Agent Campbell had left the hotel by noon and headed straight here, parking across from the bar.
When he'd planned on staying at the hotel, he assumed there would be food delivered to the room. What the young girl from the restaurant brought him was almost inedible.
Once Campbell had parked in front of the bar for the day, he'd set Marcus to watching the agent, and hit up the clubhouse. At least he'd have food to eat that tasted good.
"Next weekend we'll be going to Pitnam after Bantorus. You're on the crew to go inside the body shop." Brage put on his helmet. "Make sure you call if something comes up and you want to stay at the hotel longer. I'll need to fill your spot."
He needed to go on the raid. Concentrating on a job would get his mind off the long, silent hours spent watching the Fed, and keeping track of Jacqueline's schedule. As of yet, he hadn't spotted a Brikken member checking up on her.
Though, he'd left the hotel when Campbell took off that morning. For all he knew, Brikken could be at the hotel now.
"Unless a team of Feds show up downtown to talk to Campbell, I'll be back. So far, he's only had one visitor. It's not enough to go on," he said.
"Stay safe." Brage started his Harley and rode off.
He finished securing his duffle. There was nothing for him to do here, except wait until Marcus informed him Campbell was leaving. From the agent's behavior in the last few weeks, Campbell tended to sit across from Slag property from afternoon until late evening.
Arms came around his waist from behind. He reached back and squeezed the hip, recognizing the woman. He chuckled, glad to be back at the clubhouse if only for a short time.
"You're looking for trouble sneaking up on me like that." He pulled Heather's arm, bringing her in front of him. "Can't you find someone to entertain you?"
Heather sighed and looped her arms around his neck. "I need to go to work in fifteen minutes but wanted one of your hugs. I missed you."
"I was only gone one night." He raised his brow. "I can bet you weren't lonely.
"Don't be smart. Hug me tight."
He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet, rocking her side to side. Her laughter tickled his ears, and he set her down on the ground. Any of the Slag members would be happy to entertain her. She floated between whatever man filled her needs for the moment.
If it wasn't him, it was Rune or Viktor or Glenn.
"Did you hear that Roar let the gender of the baby slip?" Heather straightened the top of her uniform.
He studied Heather and the excitement on her face. Roar never divulged secrets, and last he'd heard, he and Lizzy were planning on keeping the sex of the baby hidden until delivery.
"Really?" he asked.
Heather gathered her hair on the top of her head and took the band off her wrist. "The others don't think he gave away the sex, but I definitely heard him refer to the baby as she yesterday during work."
"A son or daughter would be good. I don't think it matters much to either one, they're just excited, as they should be." Elling motioned for her to walk across the alley and went with her to the bar.
"Are you going to be at the clubhouse tonight?" Heather paused at the entrance to the breakroom.
"I'll be gone."
She hugged him quickly. "I'm starting to think you're seeing someone. You're going to make all the women jealous."
He grunted, reminded of Jacqueline.
Last night, he couldn't stop himself from kissing her. She'd stood there all soft-eyed and warm, while her body remained tense and ready to bolt out of the room. Her emotions resonated with him. He wanted her and knew he couldn't have her.
It was only a kiss. He hadn't taken her.
That small taste of her should've satisfied him. Instead, he hoped Agent Campbell would make it an early night and go back to the hotel, so he could be around Jacqueline again. He had no idea what he hoped would happen, but he wanted to be near her and figure it out.
"I better get ready to work," said Heather.