Page 96 of Brage & Dinah
Pushing off her, he stared down into her face. Damn. He'd almost forgot the most important thing.
"What's wrong?" She cupped his cheek.
The moment wasn't right. He needed everything to be perfect.
He kissed her and pushed off the bed. "I need to take a shower."
"I'll wash you." She sat up.
"No. You need to get dressed." He took off the condom and pulled the leather band out of his hair at the back of his neck. "It'll take me five minutes."
He couldn't allow her to shower with him. They'd end up having sex again. He had something more important to do.
"You're acting strange." She stood from the bed and walked to him naked.
Her body flushed pink from his hands, he looked away and reached for the door handle. "Meet me downstairs."
She scoffed in exasperation. He strode out of the room naked and went into the bathroom. Not even waiting for the water to warm, he stepped under the stream and washed. All the way home, he'd planned how tonight would happen.
He'd blown it the moment he found her waiting with the others.
Shutting off the water, he strode back to the bedroom, leaving water puddles in his wake. He dressed, flinging his hair down his back. Skipping a shirt, he shrugged on his Slag vest, tied his boots, and went down the stairs.
He found Dinah and snuck up behind her. Clasping her hips, he whispered in her ear, "Stay right there. Don't move."
Then, he jogged outside to his Harley. Opening the soft bag on the side of the motorcycle, he rummaged through his belongings until he found what he was looking for. Inside, he trembled.
Peer approached him carrying Tyr. "Everything okay?"
"Ja." He reached into his pocket looking for his cigarettes and realized he forgot them upstairs. "Do you have a smoke?"
Peer handed him a pack. He took one and gave the container back. Stepping away from the baby, he lit the end and blew the smoke in the other direction.
"Have you had time to get a drink?" Peer lowered Tyr and held him as if he was clutching a football.
"No time." He looked at his hand, took another drag, and snubbed the cigarette out. "Don't even have time to talk. I need to go inside."
Peer scrutinized him. "Need any help with anything."
"It's a one-man job, brother." He inhaled deeply and opened the clubhouse door. When he made eye contact with Dinah, he strode through the room, arriving short of breath.
"Brage?" She lifted her hands to his chest. "What is going on?"
"I went shopping," he blurted. "In Seattle."
Her brows lowered. "Okay."
"With my sister Norah." He inhaled deeply.
A smile grew on her face. "That's nice."
He was fucking everything up. "I love you."
"I love you, too," she whispered.
He lowered himself to one knee in front of her. "There's a million feelings inside of me and only a few words to express how I feel about you."
She covered her cheeks with both hands, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. He swallowed. She was the only woman for him.