Page 93 of Brage & Dinah
"We won't." Dinah leaned into Brage's embrace, elated that her mother wanted to see and talk to her again. "We'll stay right here."
Her mom nodded and hurried into the house. Lizzy pressed her face into Brage's chest, her whole body shook, full of every emotion possible. It was like a dream, an out of body experience. She couldn't be sure that today was even happening.
She had a mom. All her life she had someone else in the world, believing she was dead.
"Hold on tight, babe." His rubbed her back.
"I really found her." She inhaled the leather of his vest. "My name's Dinah Ann Gardiner."
"Ja." His body hardened.
She looked up at him and followed his gaze to the front of the house. She lifted her head. Her mother stood on the step holding a picture frame to her chest.
Gravitated toward her, Dinah left Brage's side and approached her mom. She'd never felt so fragile in her life.
"This was the last picture I had of you." Her mom turned the frame around. "I've kept it on my wall ever since..."
She recognized the small child as herself. The thin brown hair hit her shoulders, and brown eyes looked at the camera. But it was the child's hand tangled in her father's long hair as he held her that stood out. She must've loved him. Whether he was a good or bad person, he'd been her father, holding her, loving her.
Her gaze traveled to her mom in the photo. Her hair was darker back then, even more so than Dinah's was currently. It was the same shade as in her dreams.
The smile on her mom's face as she wrapped her small family in her arms showed a happy woman. One in love with the man in her life and the child they'd created. The leery older woman in front of her used to have everything she wanted. The hardships of losing her family had taken its toll on her.
Dinah patted her pockets, looking for her cell. "Brage? I need your phone."
He handed it to her. Without taking her gaze from the photo, she asked, "May I take a picture of the photo?"
"Yes." The joy in her mom's tone spoke to her heart.
She took several, afraid her hands shook too much for the picture to come out clearly. "This is all so overwhelming."
"I'm having a hard time believing it, too." Her mom handed her a piece of paper. "I would like to talk to you again once I have time to wrap my head around everything I've heard today."
"Same." The pressure in her chest eased, and she drew a deeper breath. "None of this seems real. I feel like I should know you, but..."
"I'm afraid to let you walk away in case I never see you again." Her mom hugged the photo to her chest.
"I'll call you." She held the paper in her hand. "I promise."
Her mom lowered the picture to her side. "Can I...hug you?"
Brage's hand landed on Dinah's lower back. With his support, she accepted the hug from her mom. Whatever she'd expected, dreamed about, wanted, was lacking. The woman with her arms around her could've been a stranger. She was a stranger.
But, she hoped to get to know her more. To feel something. To know what her life could've been like if the Reed brothers hadn't intervened.
"Thank you for talking with me." She stepped away. "I'll call."
"Please do." Her mom's worried eyes held her gaze. "Be careful."
Her mom's face hardened. "Moroad Motorcycle Club is not an organization you should take lightly."
Dinah reached for Brage, warmth filling her chilled body. "I'm in a good place now. I'll never have contact with Moroad again."
She walked to the truck holding Brage's hand. Shut inside the vehicle, she looked at him, and her heart overflowed with love. Her life centered around him.
Feeling more whole than she'd ever felt after meeting her mother, her future was in front of her, and she knew without a doubt that it was with him.