Page 61 of Brage & Dinah
Chapter 24
One hundred and fiftySlag Motorcycle Club members met in the empty parking lot of the rest area off Exit 209 in Harrisburg, Oregon. Brage directed the members, splitting them into two groups. He would lead one crew to stop the rally of Brikken Motorcycle Club members taking their stolen cargo to their destination in California. Roar would lead the others and confront them from the rear, making it impossible for Brikken to outride them.
Their goal was to put a little fear in the other MC. Nothing caused paranoia better than to believe their livelihood was at risk and someone could rat them to the Feds.
Brikken needed to know that Slag had the means to blow their whole operation out of the water. It was the only way to divert Brikken's attention from the Seattle Chapter and keep them too busy to invade Slag's shipment to Norway.
The world was getting smaller. For multiple motorcycle clubs to claim their territory within the Pacific Northwest, there were constant threats, pressure, and a need to protect their back against retaliation, greed, and loss.
Every single MC member, no matter what colors they wore, would enter the game.
It was time to play.
"Stay mounted." Brage walked in front of the group. "It's imperative that we make it to the on-ramp in fifteen minutes. Not to draw attention to us, we'll need to top out at fifty-five. Planning for nothing going wrong, that'll put the meet-up in forty minutes. At that time, your brothers will close in from the rear, and we'll force Brikken off the interstate. There's nowhere for them to go, nobody around on that section of highway, and we can get down to business. Do not...I repeat, do not show your weapons unless you hear shots fired."
He gazed over at the other group. Roar still talked with the men, getting them on the same page. They would leave separately and come together at the meet-up. The Slag scouts continually updated them on Brikken's progress with the semi-truck taking the chopped motorcycles south.
As of last call, Brikken had two hundred members on the road. The first group of one hundred would never know what was happening behind them. That put the odds in Slag's favor.
Roar jogged over and stopped beside Brage. "I just got word that the three Stanton brothers are riding in the smaller group following the semi."
"That's changed," muttered Brage.
"Ja." Roar met his gaze. "Be prepared. With all three of their leaders at risk, their members will be trigger happy. We get in, and we get out. Just need to let them know we have their whole route mapped out and can use that against them if needed. We only want to keep them occupied, so they don't have time to think about going up to Seattle. They're so damn close coming from Tacoma, they're Slag's biggest threat."
"Time?" Brage looked at the highway in the distance.
Roar slipped his phone into his vest pocket. "Four minutes. Go ahead and take them up to the entrance. I'll signal when you can go."
"Watch yourself, Prez." Brage clasped Roar's hand. "Stay alert."
Roar nodded. "Ride steady."
"Mhm," muttered Brage.
He lifted his arm and circled his hand in the air. Every member in his crew sat their seat. Getting on his Harley, he heard someone in the back start the chant.
"Slag," said Brage, joining the others.
Helmet strapped. Sunglasses on. He brought the motorcycle to life and led the men forward. All his attention on the game ahead of him.
Roar signaled. He accelerated, taking the first section of Slag members onto the interstate. Vehicles passed him. He rode around the trucks in the slow lane. Hell, he watched the fucking clouds in the sky, trying to predict every inconvenience before it could happen.
Twenty minutes later, his cell in his shirt pocket vibrated against his chest. He looked at the nearest exit sign. Right on time.
There would be no more reminders. He held his men at the same speed. The early morning hours afforded them less traffic to deal with. He signaled, taking everyone off the highway.
Until they pulled onto the Interstate again, they wouldn't come into contact with Brikken members. They'd have no clue they were going to get stopped with a visit from Slag.
Riding on the backroad for five miles, he led his crew back onto the Interstate. His gaze committed to looking in the side mirror, he cut his speed down to fifty-five miles an hour.
Three minutes later, a semi showed up in his view. He looked over his shoulder. Shit.
There was a lone car traveling in the fast lane. If he waited for the vehicle to pass, it would put them behind schedule. Making a decision for the club, he signaled for everyone to spread out and take up both lanes going south.