Page 31 of Brage & Dinah
Chapter 13
Brage opened the clubhousedoor for Dinah. She walked inside. Her possibilities to escape the situation she was in dwindled and she had no other option than to spend another night with him in his room.
True to his threat, Brage had made sure someone watched her every second of the day and night. Even working at the bar stifled her chances of escaping.
Her skin crawled. She shivered. There were at least a hundred Slag members milling around on the main floor of the clubhouse.
They weren't looking at her, but their hate toward her was apparent. The men's faces hardened despite having no expression. The women looked at each other, sending silent questions and contempt from one to the other.
Brage led her upstairs and opened the bedroom door. She hesitated at the threshold. It killed her knowing there was a lock on the door that would be used while she was imprisoned inside.
"Please, don't," she whispered. "Please."
His hand landed on her lower back. The slight pressure propelled her legs forward.
The door solidly thunked closed. She flinched, turning around. After the stressful and scary twenty-four hours, she could feel herself unraveling.
Brage sat down, took off his boots. She stared at his arms, flexing with the movements he made. It was easier for her to have sex with him when he remained a stranger—a very sexy, hot stranger.
The arousal and warmth he had elicited from her before her world blew up and she became a captive in a bad situation were welcomed and embraced.
Her interest in him now felt wrong and unwanted. It angered her that her body would betray her.
Brage stood, stripped off his vest and shirt. When his hands went to his belt, she half turned away from him. She wasn't going to undress for bed in front of him with the lights on.
Concentrating on the pile of black garbage sacks at the foot of the bed that held the belongings she'd brought with her from Idaho, she tried to figure out how to get out of her work clothes and into a shirt and a pair of joggers without flashing all her bits to Brage.
The metal of his buckle hit the floor. She glanced in his direction and bit down on her lip.
He stood naked and unashamed in the room. "You need to strip down."
"Not with you in the room," she said.
"I don't have the time or energy to argue with you." He paused. "Take your clothes off. There's a towel, if you want, on the top of the dresser. Use that to cover up. I'll be in the hallway waiting for you when you're done."
Her gaze lowered. His cock remained relaxed.
She cleared her throat, hit with disappointment that she could no longer excite him and hating herself that the attraction between them was her first thought when she should be focusing on an escape.
The door opened. He walked out without a stitch of clothing on, closing the door. She waited for the click of the lock; afraid he'd shut her in the room alone for the night and hoping he would because being around him only confused her. When the door remained unlocked, she hurried to find something to sleep in and took off all her clothes.
Her panties landed on the floor.
The door opened.
Brage's gaze lowered to her toes and crawled back up her body. "Come on."
She crossed her arms over her bare breasts. "I'm not dressed yet."
"You're not supposed to dress." He stepped naked over to the dresser and threw her a towel. "Wrap that around you."
Heart hammering, she clung to the towel, tucking the edges above her breasts. "I'm not going out there like this."
"Listen, Dinah. My shoulders are killing me." He slipped his hand underneath her elbow and pulled her toward the door. "Since I can't leave you alone, you're going with me."
"Enough. It's been a long fucking day. I need this." His hand tightened on her arm.