Page 27 of Brage & Dinah
Chapter 11
Dinah woke with a start. Heart racing, she searched for the woman. Seconds later, she pressed her hand to her head, knowing it was only a dream.
She was in Brage's bedroom in the Slag clubhouse. There was no woman.
The pain deep in her chest, a burning ache, disoriented her. She had no memories of her parents. None.
Yet, she knew the woman that came to her in her sleep was her mother. She had long, dark hair, a slender face, and a contagious laugh that made her feel warm and happy.
Throughout the years, she'd tried to remember a time before it was only her, Brad, and Tony, and only blackness permeated every corner of her mind. She'd spent years demanding Brad and Tony tell her something about their mom and dad, only to have them grow angry at her. Eventually, she'd stopped asking and searching for answers.
Her brothers were so much older than her, almost a parental figure to her, she'd obediently listened to them, fearing the consequences.
For how much she hated the dreams, she clung to them. The cloudy vision was the only physical hint of a woman in her life, and the dreams always left her shaking.
Brage stood, startling her. "I'll take you to the bathroom."
She scrambled out of bed, rubbing her face. Caught up in the dream, she'd forgotten that he remained in the room. Throughout the night, she'd checked to see if he stayed. Every time, she found him on the chair.
She took pleasure in how uncomfortable he'd looked. Around six feet two inches and solidly built, the seat barely provided enough room for him to perch on through the night. Silently, she hoped he had a sore neck from the odd position he rested in.
Going out of the room, hope filled her. Brage was slower and limping from his night in the chair. Positive she could outrun him, given a chance, she needed to use the bathroom and look for an opportunity to escape.
Without waiting for him to tell her what to do, she knocked on the door and when no one answered, walked into the bathroom and locked herself in. This time, relieving herself came first. Then, she rushed through washing her hands and face.
All the makeup from yesterday had worn off, and she had no hairbrush available to use on her hair. She needed a shower and a change of clothes. Her belongings were at the rental house. She needed to get out of here.
Peeking out the door, she found the hallway clear. Adrenaline filled her. She stepped out of the room. Fearful of getting caught and yet determined to escape from Brage, she quickly decided running was better than sneaking away.
She made it to the stairs without anyone stopping her. Running down the steps, she jumped down the last three and landed on both feet. The door was thirty feet in front of her. She sprinted across the room, ready to dodge hands that reached for her but nobody stopped her.
The door opened and the man coming inside stepped to the side, letting her pass him. She stumbled out into the alley. The brightness of the sun blinded her. Not taking time to look behind her, she weaved her way through the crowd of bikers outside.
Ignoring her Jeep, she headed straight to the gate. Only slowing when she couldn't run any farther, she came to a stop. Excess energy left her bouncing on her toes.
The biker in charge of the gate looked at her. She pointed, heaving for breath. "Can you open the gate?"
He shook his head, refusing to let her out. She pressed her hands against the metal and pushed the barrier, trying to slide the gate on the wheels. It wouldn't budge.
Hurrying around the man, she grabbed the metal bar and jerked. Her shoulders seized at the resistance and she kicked out with her foot against the gate.
"Let me out." A sob stuck in her throat. "You can't keep me here."
She pushed at the man. Desperation wrapped around her and she lashed out, hitting the biker's chest. The helplessness of the situation a cold bite of reality as she dealt with a stranger holding her against her will.
With Brage, though fear hinged behind her anger at his treatment, there was always hope that he would talk to her, explain what was going on, but the man in front of her represented Slag Motorcycle Club. This wasn't personal between her and Brage. The large group of men was holding her captive.
"Damn you." She used both fists to pound on the bigger man's chest. "Let me out. Let me out..."
Her voice broke. She gasped for breath, the initial strength leaving her body.
An arm wrapped around her waist from behind. A new panic washed over her, and she kicked out as her feet left the ground, struggling to get away. She wouldn't let them kill her.
Her life wasn't supposed to end this way.
She wanted to leave.