Page 215 of Mountain Men Heroes
I turned my face up to Dyson to find him looking down at me.
“We were looking for a bail jumper,” Dyson explained. “Sawyer and Mac nabbed him, and Eeli and I decided to grab a beer. Imagine our shock to see you on stage.”
At the mention of my brother’s name, my entire body went rigid. “Sawyer was here? Did he see me singing? In a bar?” I couldn’t keep the horror out of my voice.
“No, Clara.” Eeli ran a soothing hand up and down my arm.
I didn’t think he got the effect he was going for with his touch. Every nerve ending in my body stood up and took notice. Parts of me I’d long considered useless suddenly came to life.
“Your brother and Mac were at a different bar. We’d split up,” Dyson explained.
All I could do was nod as I fought for control of my senses. No easy feat considering the oh-so-close proximity of the two men I considered mine.
“You want us to leave you three alone?” Will’s voice broke into the intimate bubble surrounding us. Amusement dripped off every word.
I shot him a dirty look and found the demeanor of my three bandmates had changed considerably. Will had his arms folded over his chest, a smirk twisting his lips. Jack and Dave just looked confused. And maybe a little turned on.
“We’ll take you home,” Dyson said quietly, bringing my attention back to him.
“I was going to spend the night and come back in the morning with Will.”
Both men went rigid against me.
“You’re not staying the night here with three strange men.” Eeli’s voice near my ear sent a shiver down my spine.
I closed my eyes for a brief second as I fought for control. My nerves felt jagged and raw.
With a deep breath that brought the tips of my breasts tantalizingly close to Dyson’s chest, I opened my eyes.
“The guys aren’t strange.” I shot the band a look, finding the three of them still gawking. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Dyson. “At least not in the way Eeli means. I’ve known these guys for years.”
“You mean you’ve been sneaking around with them for years.” Dyson’s stern gaze made me feel like a naughty school child.
Of course, that thought led to a host of naughty thoughts that were definitely on the wild side. I sank my teeth into my bottom lip.
A groan escaped Dyson and I stared up at him from under my lashes, searching his face for some clue as to what he was thinking.
Eeli’s hands moved up to settle on my shoulders. “How long has this been going on?”
My muddled mind searched for an answer to his question and finally came up with something. “Since the day out in the woods when Dyson helped me find the mama cat. I felt it for the first time then.”
Dyson’s face instantly softened and one side of his mouth tipped up as if he was fighting a losing battle against his amusement. “I think Eeli meant how long have you been sneaking off to sing in bars, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. The endearment slid through me, warming me from the inside out. My lips parted and for long moments all I could do was stare up into his handsome face.
“Clara?” Dyson prompted.
I blinked up at him and reality returned. “Since tenth grade.”
Dyson flinched and I could feel Eeli stiffen at my back.
“You’ve been sneaking into bars since you were fifteen years old?” Dyson’s voice came through clenched teeth, anger clear on his face.
I huffed out a breath. “I didn’t have to sneak in anywhere. I was with the band and nobody ever asked for I.D.”
The storm clouds brewing behind Dyson’s eyes told me that answer didn’t calm him at all.