Page 208 of Mountain Men Heroes
I shook my head, her meaning not penetrating for long seconds. Then it seeped in and my grin faded. I turned my head to watch Dyson speed over the hill, coming to a lurching stop just behind the truck.
I dropped my arms from around Clara and she took a giant step backward. Inside I roared with a new kind of rage as her warmth and contentment washed away.
Anxiety moved into my gut as the reality of the situation hit me square between the eyes.
Clara might be the one person with the ability to soothe the scars left on my mind and my soul.
But where did that leave Dyson?
I’d never been happier to have an excuse to escape Hardwood than I was after Operation Separate and Conquer took such a major left turn. Of course, the excuse I gave my family—that I was attending a workshop on wildlife rehab three towns over—was quite different from my actual reason for being in here.
Pretty sure my brothers would be shocked to find I wasn’t holed up in a hotel with a bunch of crazy cat ladies right now. Even more surprised to find me sitting in the back room of a dive bar waiting for my band to go on.
“Here you go.” Will, bass player, and band manager extraordinaire, handed me a glass.
“Thanks.” I took the glass from him, tilted my head back and took several large gulps. I barely even tasted the combination of cranberry, lime, and SoCo as it slid down my throat, more interested in finding something, anything, that might stop the relentless replay of events that seemed to be on a never-ending loop in my mind.
“Whoa. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you pounding drinks before.” Will stood staring down at me, his hazel eyes wide. He pushed the long sweep of dirty blond hair off his face. “Something you want to talk about?”
“Nah. I’m good.” The word was ripped from me in a panicked rush. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about the weird attraction that had sprung up between Dyson and me. And let’s not forget, the same feeling that sprang up between Eeli and me. I couldn’t keep the bite from my words if I wanted to. “I do not want to talk. I’d like to drink.”
I made good on my words by tossing back another long swallow of the cocktail in my hand.
Will held his hands up, palms out in front of him. “Okay. You don’t want to talk. Got it.”
I looked up into his concerned gaze and flopped back onto the cushions of the lumpy, rust-colored sofa that looked like it had seen its best days six or seven decades ago. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s not your fault I can’t run away from my own crazy thoughts.”
My friend eased his long frame onto the opposite corner of the couch, stretching his jean-clad legs out in front of him. “No worries. Just remember, the offer’s always open. If you change your mind, I’m here.”
A smile curved my mouth as I took in his earnest expression. My gaze traveled over his handsome face and kind eyes. Why couldn’t I go for a guy like Will? I mean, sure he was weird in a corky way, but the whole opposites attract thing seemed to be working fine for Sawyer and Trinity.
But no matter how long I stared into his sweet face, the only feeling I could conjure was one of warmth and deep affection for the guy who had been one of my best friends since high school.
I considered his words. He’d heard me rant about my brothers enough that he should have a pretty clear idea that they took the protective thing to a whole new level. Maybe it was worth sharing things with him to get an objective opinion on it all.
I took another sip of my drink and then let out a sigh. Happy for the first time about our other two bandmates’ penchant for lateness. “I think I’m on the fritz. Like broken or something.”
Will’s eyebrows snapped together. “Umm, run that by me again.”
“Me. I’m broken,” I said dramatically.
“Oookay.” Will shook his head. “I think you’re going to have to give me a little more information than that.”
I shrugged. “You know how dating works, right?”
He threw me a lascivious grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “I’m familiar with its many facets, yeah. First base, second base, third...”
I rolled my eyes. Guys. Their minds always seemed to go there first. “No, not the bases. Like the way when you meet the person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with and your soul recognizes that person on some primal level.”
The mirth dropped from Will’s expression and something that looked a lot like wistfulness flickered over his face. But it was gone in an instant. “I am aware of what a soulmate is. That’s more than just dating though.”
I nodded. “Well, I’ve always thought I was different. That I would never really find that level of belonging. I don’t know how to explain it. Let’s just say, no one has ever expressed that kind of zing for me. Or vice versa.”
“Okay.” Will’s expression told me he didn’t quite get my point.