Page 183 of Mountain Men Heroes
My eyes fluttered open as the sound of banging pulled me reluctantly from sleep. I blinked as bright sunlight hit my gaze.
Weird. I always made sure the curtains were pulled closed against the sun before I went to sleep.
I turned onto my side and became aware of an odd soreness throughout my body. My hazy mind grasped for the reason my muscles felt so rubbery and the spot between my legs...
I bolted straight up in bed as memories of yesterday seeped into my consciousness.
Holy shit. I’d had sex. I’d had sex with Sawyer Becker.
I did a quick scan of my studio apartment, suddenly very happy my entire living space took up only one room. With the bathroom door open and the light off, I could tell at a glance I was alone.
I flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling tile above my head, eyes wide as it flooded back to me. Every last detail.
Sawyer and I had spent the entire day in my bed. I lost count of the number of times he’d wrung an orgasm from me somewhere after number five.
After the first time, we took our time for the second. He rolled me over on my stomach and licked, kissed and nibbled every inch of my body. Then he pulled me to my knees and sank his hard, beautiful cock deep inside me with long, toe-curling strokes that had me coming on his command.
Lunch came and went with little notice from either of us. But when dinnertime rolled around we both decided eating something would be a good idea.
Coming up empty in my sadly stocked fridge and pantry, Sawyer offered to go pick up dinner.
I’d been caught somewhere between sheer astonishment at his stamina and humiliation at not even having something to offer him to drink on hand.
He hadn’t seemed to care, though. He took a quick shower and went out for food while I had a mini freak out over the idea of Sawyer Becker being the man who claimed my virginity. Then I had a not-so-mini freak out wondering if dinner was just the excuse he used to get out the door without a big scene. Maybe he had no intention of coming back.
After I’d wallowed in my anxiety for a little while, I took myself in hand. I had no control over Sawyer, but I certainly had control over myself. At least I did when he wasn’t around and touching me or kissing me or whispering dirty little descriptions of all the things he wanted to do to my body in my ear.
I’d picked myself up and headed for the shower.
Freak out number three came when I got out of the shower and contemplated what to put on. What did a woman wear when the guy who relieved her of her virginity would be returning any minute? Especially when the guy was sexy, capable, and totally fuckable like Sawyer Becker.
Other women he’d been with probably had a draw full of frilly undies and lacy nighties to tempt him with. Thinking about it now, I should have called Madison. She would have known what to do.
My best friend knew I bought my underwear in sensible packages of three. I had the choice between white cotton or black cotton. And once I solved the underwear issue, should I dress again in my jeans and T-shirt? My pajamas were as utilitarian as my undies, flannel and threadbare in spots. I couldn’t see donning those to entice Sawyer back to my bed.
I’m such a freaking mess.
Did I even want to entice Sawyer back to my bed? What the heck had I been thinking of?
Sawyer put a quick end to all my freaking out. He’d strolled back into the apartment, his arms full of bags, while I stood there still in my towel from the shower.
Before I could pull anything on, he’d dropped the bags by the door and had the towel tugged from my body in an instant. He’d then pulled me to the floor and taught me how much I liked being on top while riding out my pleasure.
We’d managed to stop to eat before crawling back into bed again. Which led me to now, waking up a little sore in new places and completely alone.
The banging stopped for a second and then started back up again. I realized the sound came from right outside my door at the same time the scent of coffee teased my nose.
As if hypnotized, I slid out of bed and threw on the first thing I found—the Henley Sawyer had been wearing yesterday—and followed my nose straight to the coffee pot.
I found it about three-quarters full and quickly poured myself, doctoring it liberally with milk and sugar. Taking a long sip, I waited for the caffeine to hit my system and then turned my attention to the door.
I walked slowly across the room and took a deep breath before I eased it open. I held it just wide enough to peek outside.
“Morning, beautiful.” Sawyer smiled at me from his spot squatted on the staircase leading up the door. He wore his jeans and the white T-shirt he’d had on underneath the shirt I was currently wearing. I couldn’t help but admire the way it stretched across his chest. I’m not sure how long I stood there, my eyes devouring him, before I realized he held a hammer and a box full of nails sat open on one of the steps next to him.
I tipped my head to the side. “What are you doing?”
“Fixing your steps.” His tone said what he managed to refrain from saying—duh. What else would he be doing?