Page 50 of The Orc Protector's Secret Baby
His words take me slightly by surprise. It may not be outright praise, but for him, it is practically a glowing endorsement.
"Thank you, Father," I reply. "That means a lot, coming from you."
He gives a nod, then lumbers off to take his seat, Amira still laying happily in his arms. As strange as it seems, seeing them together gives me hope. People can change. Even my stubborn, grim father's heart has been opened by Amira's joyful presence.
The clearing has filled up now with our guests. A hush falls over the crowd as the ceremony is about to begin. My heart hammers against my ribs. This is really happening.
That's when I see her, and my breath catches in my throat. Hayden is a vision in her bridal gown. It is a simple dress of linen, but on her, it looks like the grandest garment I have ever seen. Her usual reserved expression has been replaced with a dazzling smile that makes her face glow. Ivy and baby's breath are woven into her long golden waves of hair. She has never looked more beautiful.
I reach out to take her hand as she joins me under the floral arch. Her skin is soft and warm against mine. I gently caress the inside of her palm, as we lock hands.
"I love you," I whisper, blinking back tears. She squeezes my hand in response.
The shaman begins the ritual, his deep resonant voice carrying throughout the glen. All other sounds fade away as he commences the ancient rite of bonding. I start to recite my vows, my voice nearly cracking with emotion as I promise to honor, protect, and cherish my beloved mate all our days.
"Hayden, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the missing piece of my soul. Your strength and spirit inspire me to be better. I vow to stand by your side through joy and sorrow, peace and strife. To share in your laughter and wipe away your tears. To be your shelter in the storm. I give you my heart, my body, and my devotion. This I solemnly swear before our clan and the gods."
Hayden's green eyes glisten with moved tears as she recites her vows in return. Her clear, strong voice rings out through the glen.
"Cagan, my love. You saw me when no one else did. You overlooked my past and angry temperament and found the real woman within. Your patience and wisdom healed my wounded heart. You gave me hope when I had none. I vow to nurture our love, support your dreams, and walk every step of life's journey with you. In sickness and health, for all our days, I will stand faithfully by your side. Before our clan and the gods, I give you my heart and pledge you my devotion."
Her words pierce my soul. My fierce, beautiful mate. At last, we will be bound together as one.
The shaman nods solemnly and gestures for us to begin the symbolic markings. I take the small clay bowl of ochre paint and dip my fingers in the rust-colored paste. With reverent care, I draw the emblem of my clan onto the inside of Hayden's wrist. She does not flinch, even as the cold pigment marks her fair skin. Her emerald eyes never leave mine.
When I finish, Hayden takes the bowl from me. Delicately she paints the symbol of her lost clan onto my wrist. Her touch is soothing as the ochre stains my skin.
We have marked each other, signed our devotion in these symbols we will bear all our days. We are united as one now.
The shaman raises his staff aloft and bellows out the final words of the ritual. "By the will of the gods, I pronounce you mates before all here. Let your union be blessed. You may kiss and seal your bond!"
My heart is fit to burst as I draw Hayden into my arms. Her body melts against mine, hands coming up to caress my face. This remarkable woman who has changed my life forever is now my wife.
"Mine," I whisper fiercely. "Now and always."
"Yours," she breathes. Her lips find mine in a searing kiss filled with promise, passion, and above all - love.
As we kiss, our family and friends whoop and cheer joyously. But I am only dimly aware of their voices. Hayden consumes my senses - her taste, her scent, the feel of her in my arms. This kiss signifies all we have endured to reach this moment. Hardship, heartache, and trials now culminate in pure bliss.
When at last we come up for air, I press my forehead to Hayden's, overcome with emotion. Through eyes clouded with happy tears, I see my radiant bride glowing with the same powerful feelings. Love swells inside me, so profound I can scarcely draw breath.
Hayden's slender hand comes up to caress my jaw. "My husband," she whispers through a choked sob. Those two precious words… I never realized it was possible to feel such rapturous joy.
I cradle her face between my hands, brushing away the tracks of her tears with my thumbs. "My wife," I echo hoarsely. "My mate. My forever love."
She pulls me down into another fierce kiss. Gone are any shreds of doubt or pain from our pasts. In this sacred moment, we are reborn - now and always as halves of the same soul.
Her lips meld perfectly with mine, soft yet insistent. The tang of her sweet lips mingles with her intoxicating earthy scent. My hands span the narrow width of her back, keeping her flush against me. I give myself over completely to the wonder of this woman, now and forever mine.
As we finally turn to greet our cheering loved ones, clasped hand-in-hand, a transcendent joy blooms in my chest, unlike any I've ever known. This pinnacle moment marks the beginning of a new existence - one filled with promise, bonded in love.
Imarvel at Cagan as he carries me across the threshold of our little home. He is strong and steady, a vision of strength and love. Flowers are interwoven in my braided blonde hair, and I wear the necklace he gave me as a wedding gift—a small gold pendant with an "A" on it representing our greatest gift.
As we step into the living quarters, he gently places me down, my feet touching the floor with the grace of a dancer. Our eyes meet, and I see the reflection of our shared joy and the promise of our future together.