Page 26 of The Orc Protector's Secret Baby
"If they find me again..." I trail off, shuddering. I don't tell Cagan who 'they' are. My past is still shrouded in mystery to him.
Cagan's face fills with empathy, even lacking the details. "Hayden, you're safe now," he says firmly. "I won't let anyone harm you, I promise."
His fierce protectiveness surprises me. I want to believe him, but a lifetime of looking over my shoulder is hard to forget.
Cagan moves closer, keeping his motions steady to avoid startling me. "Please, let me build you a home. A real home, where you can feel protected."
My heart wavers at the longing in his voice. But the anxiety comes flooding back. "I can't, Cagan. I'm sorry. If I had a home, I wouldn't be able to run."
Hot tears spill down my cheeks. Even now, freedom means more than comfort. As much as I wish for a home, the risk is too great.
Cagan's shoulders slump, but he doesn't argue. "I understand," he says gently. "Just know my offer still stands. For whenever you're ready."
Nodding, I wipe my eyes. His patience and compassion continue to surprise me. Perhaps one day I'll find the courage to build something new.
“I’ll think about it,” I tell him. I feel an inexplicable urge to not disappoint him. I’m immediately rewarded as his face lights up.
I expect Cagan to leave after that, but to my surprise, he doesn't budge. "You need rest," he says firmly. "I'll stay and take care of you."
Shock roots me in place. No one has tended me with such care since childhood. But Cagan busies himself stoking the fire and preparing a broth, humming softly all the while.
The rich aroma makes my mouth water. When was the last time I had a proper cooked meal? Cagan hands me the bowl with a smile. I sip the broth slowly, savoring the warmth as it spreads through me.
"This is delicious, thank you," I say shyly.
Cagan grins. "My pleasure. Nothing better than a good meal to lift the spirits."
He takes my bowl, refilling it for me. I haven’t had access to spices or different vegetables, so it really is the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in a long time.
“At least your appetite is back to normal,” Cagan says with a wink.
I narrow my eyes playfully and hold out my bowl for another refill. He abides, ruffling my tangled hair when I take the bowl.
“I, uh… I brought some clothes as well. It’ll be too big, but at least you’ll be warmer.” He rubs the back of his neck as he says it, looking bashful. My heart swells in gratitude.
“Thank you,” I say softly. He turns his back to me as I change into a fur garment he brought, my wet clothes from before falling in tatters on the ground. When Cagan turns around, he grins, his eyes filled with mirth.
Over the next few hours, he continues fussing over me, bringing water and extra blankets. I'm too weak to protest, and admittedly, his doting feels... nice.
That night, a bitter chill descends with the darkness. I huddle by the fire, struggling to get warm. Cagan notices me shivering and wordlessly opens his arms in invitation.
I hesitate, fear and longing waging war within me. This level of closeness terrifies my battered heart. Yet being enveloped in his strong embrace promises such comfort.
I make my choice, nestling cautiously against his broad chest. His body heat surrounds me and I sigh, tension leaking from my muscles.
We stay that way all night, my head tucked under his chin. I drift in and out of sleep, lulled by his steady heartbeat. I can't remember the last time I felt so peaceful.
But as pale dawn light filters in, doubts creep back in. Have I made a mistake, letting him get so close? He knows nothing of the stains on my soul. Will he regret holding something so broken, so damaged, if he learns the truth?
The cool, hard ground beneath me is the first thing I feel as my eyes flutter open. The silence of the cave immediately engulfs me, a silence so profound it seems to echo off the stone walls. As my eyes adjust to the dim light, a chilling realization dawns on me—Hayden is no longer cocooned in my arms.
A desolate, empty feeling flickers within me, stirring an unfamiliar ache in my chest. I sit up quickly, trying to push away the discomfort before it can take root. My mind races with possibilities—did she leave? Was she taken? The thought of her alone and vulnerable in the wilderness reignites old fears, ones I thought I had buried deep within.
“Hayden?” I tentatively call out, but I’m met only with the growing silence of my surroundings. Shit. Where the fuck is she? I grab my furs and nervously fumble as I quickly put it on. She looked so frail last night, so cold. I hope she didn’t run off again.