Page 35 of Fake Dark Vows
I glance at Jennifer who gives a brief shake of her head. “Luck doesn’t enter into it. You know that, Damon. The game is already in the bag.”
My brother’s laughter follows us away from the village and back to the boat.
“Either you packed a sombrero for the ride, or you know something I don’t,” I say to Rose as I help her and Georgie back on board the boat and shove our purchases into her arms.
It’s like watching him stepping in and out of the shade. The sunny side of Brandon Weiss, the side that emerges when Damon’s presence is fading, almost reminds me of a baby creature hatching from an egg and seeing the world for the first time. But Brandon in the shade is a lonely creature that’s been shut away inside a damp, miserable cave for far too long and has forgotten that anyone else exists.
Of course, the reality of his life couldn’t be any different. Instead of a damp, miserable cave, he no doubt lives in a penthouse apartment that’s even swankier than his office. Baby Grand? Are you kidding? Brandon Weiss probably has a Steinway in his living room at home, one that he bashes a drunken tune out on when he gets home after a bad day at the office.
We’re quiet on the way to Sombrero Beach.
I’d almost believed that he’d dropped the businessman façade when he saw the zoetrope, but one brief conversation with his brother later, and we’re back to the man who can’t abide a sticky finger near his pants.
Why am I even bothered?
I know exactly why. For some reason, Brandon Weiss’s moods affect those of everyone around him. He’s an energy vampire, sucking the life out of people when he’s down, and boosting them to stellar levels when he’s high.
I peer down at Georgie lulled asleep by the boat’s engine with her head resting in my lap. She’s indifferent to Uncle Brandon’s moods. Is that because she doesn’t spend enough time in his company to pick up on the energy levels, or is it just me?
I think back to the flight from New York to Ruby Island. Jennifer was comfortable in his company. So was Damon for that matter behind his cushion of sibling rivalry.
Just me then. Maybe everyone else is desensitized to it.
Unsure how to process that right now, I sit back and enjoy the warm breeze on my face. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from life, it’s that you can’t guarantee you’ll get another chance, and I’m not wasting today, even if it is all about the competition for Brandon.
Sombrero Beach isn’t as busy as I expected it to be.
We walk along the sandy path to the beach with the ocean swallowing the horizon, and I slide off my sandals to feel the sand between my toes.
“It’s beautiful,” I say.
Brandon doesn’t speak. He’s quiet, but his mood isn’t quite as heavy and black as it was on the boat after bumping into Damon a second time.
“Can we build a sandcastle?” Georgie asks.
“Maybe we should ask Uncle Brandon.” I glance at his profile, his eyes fixed straight head.
“You do understand the rules of the game?” he asks. “You wrote them.”
I ignore the low jibe, telling myself that it isn’t worth it. He wants me to swallow the bait, and I won’t give him the satisfaction.
“It’s too lovely to take a selfie and leave again,” I say. “And besides, she’s hungry and thirsty. Can’t we get a drink and some snacks while we’re here?”
I get a wall of silence, and Brandon keeps walking.
“We haven’t seen anyone else apart from Damon,” I continue. “Maybe the others are playing by the rules and taking the long route.”
“That’s it? That’s your game plan?”
I snap. “You’re forgetting I didn’t need a game plan. It isn’t my fault that your partner got drunk on gin and tonic and couldn’t get out of bed this morning.”
When he looks at me, his eyes are cold. “So, that’s my fault, is it?”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”