Page 106 of Fake Dark Vows
I think this is a terrible plan.
He has entirely too much faith in me, our security, our aunt Rosa, and our ability to pin the murder on Elio and his siblings.
I have faith in nothing anymore. My only hope is to keep my daughter safe. And you can’t do that based on faith.
“Marco. This is a shitty plan.”
“Language, Caterina.”
I do roll my eyes then. “I’m a grown woman. I’ve had a literal child. I can cuss if I want to.”
“Not if you’re going to play the part of a good Italian wife you won’t.”
I’m pretty sure that Marco’s ideas of a ‘good Italian wife’ are based on mob movies and grandpa’s tales of mob life in the 60’s, but I don’t point that out. To my knowledge, which is based on the internet and no other experience, Italian women have moved into the modern world with the rest of us.
Then again, families like ours and the Rossi’s go way back in history so…
Maybe old habits die hard.
“Luna will be just fine,” he says with a genuine smile.
I don’t return it.
He notices and the smile fades. “Caterina, seriously. You think that I would let my favorite niece come to any harm? If Elio finds her, he’s a dead man,” Marco says with a drop in his voice that makes me shiver.
Sometimes I forget that my brothers, while being my brothers, are also gangsters.
And they can be pretty freaking scary if they need to.
“I don’t doubt that. I know how much you love Luna. But Marco...” I squeeze my eyes shut against the tears that prick at the edges of my vision.
“Sorellina, I know. I know what I’m asking of you. I promise you that if I thought you or Luna would be in danger, I wouldn’t do it. It’s our only course of action, yes. But more than that, it’s a plan that will work,” he emphasizes the last word softly.
I shut my eyes tighter as the tears flood me. “Please don’t make me do this,” I whisper.
I really am begging now.
I hate it.
I don’t beg. Not to Marco, not my to other brothers. Not to anyone.
But I don’t want to see Elio ever again. Let alone marry him.
“Caterina, I swear to you. It’s a foolproof plan. We just need?—”
“Zietto Marco!” a small voice squeaks.
Instantly I steel myself. Luna can’t see me cry.
I won’t let her know how hard this is.
To her knowledge, she’s just going to stay with Nonna Mia for a while, my grandmother’s ancient half-sister. Nonna Mia is a black sheep in many ways, and since her connection to the family is tenuous at best, we figure she would be the best spot to hide Luna while we try and bring down Elio and the Rossi.
Also, she lives on a farm and has goats. Luna will be charmed the entire time.
There’s a blur of dark hair and light-up shoes, and my child throws herself in Marco’s lap. He laughs, then stands and swings her around. Her delighted shrieks are a balm to my nerves, but only slightly.
Any guilt that I’ve had over the years about Luna not having a father is entirely erased when she’s around my brothers. The three of them are protective as hell, and they spoil her better than any father could. They’re perfect together.