Page 8 of Cinder's Trial
I eyed it and shook my head. “Sorry, but I make it a point to avoid touching royalty.”
Rather than be offended, Killian grinned. “I’d avoid it if I could too, but it might make it hard to pee.”
My mouth rounded in surprise before I giggled. “I’m pretty sure you’re breaking all kinds of protocol saying that.”
“I know I am. My mother reminds me at every turn how unprincely I am. In my defense, I spent most of my life growing up as an ordinary chap. Mum kept me away from palace politics for the first half of my life.”
“That’s unusual.”
He shrugged. “I’m thankful she did. Sometimes I kind of wish I still lived in the country.”
“Your Highness!” The title was barked by Levi, who stalked toward us with a glower. His salt and pepper hair had been recently cut short and emphasized the sharp angles of his cheeks and fresh-shaven jaw.
“Uh-oh, you’re in trouble,” I whispered.
Killian’s smile widened. “I guess me telling my babysitters I didn’t require them to be glued to my ass didn’t work.”
“You know they’re only doing their job.”
A reminder that had Killian grimacing. “A waste of resources if you ask me.”
The imposing Knight halted a pace from the prince and glowered. “What did I say about waiting for one of us to go ahead and ensure your safety?”
The prince rolled his shoulders. “I’m in the Fairytale Bureau. How much safer can it get?”
The answer didn’t appease Levi, who crossed his bulky arms over an even thicker chest. “For a man who’s determined to avoid marrying a Cinderella, you ran straight for the nearest one.”
“Can you blame me?” Killian winked in my direction.
Levi’s piercing gaze bored into me, and I resisted an urge to stick out my tongue. Levi took everything so seriously. Usually commendable, but he matched his rigidness with a brusque attitude. A good thing he rubbed me wrong, as it helped me to not admire the width of his shoulders, shoulders only slightly wider than the prince’s.
I waved a hand at Levi. “Your prince is safe around me. I have no intention of being dragged to the altar, curse or not.” A hot declaration that I meant. Killian might be handsome and funny, but being married to royalty sounded awful. All those rules and people watching all the time… Ugh.
“As if the Grimm Effect cares what you want,” Levi snapped back.
I arched a brow. “I beat it once. I’ll beat it again. And you should know it’s possible. After all, look around us.” All bureau agents were Grimphers—curse survivors. People who’d told the Grimm Effect to take a hike because they weren’t conforming.
My reply pinched Levi’s lips. “You’re testing my patience, Agent Jones.”
“Can’t handle someone not kowtowing to your demands?” my sharp riposte. Funny how only Levi brought out the sassy in me.
“I’ve been tasked with keeping the prince safe, and he’s being uncooperative. So don’t encourage his bad behavior.” The glare swiveled to the prince, who didn’t look the least bit chastised.
“I can’t blame him for chafing at having shadows,” I declared. “How would you like being followed twenty-four-seven?”
“I’d be appreciative and cooperative with those trying to keep me alive,” Levi’s stiff reply.
“For goodness sake. No one’s trying to kill the prince,” I huffed. “Your job is mostly to ensure overeager and conniving wannabe princesses don’t compromise him while he’s visiting.”
“Hard to do if he keeps slipping those of us watching him.”
“Foiled by a prince? That must sting.” The taunt slipped out of me.
“You’re not helping matters,” growled Levi.
Killian’s head bobbed back and forth between us before he said, “I take it the breakup went bad?”
“What?” we both exclaimed.