Page 61 of Don't Fall For Your Fake Boyfriend
I hate Lake.
It’s official.
“Are you okay?” Anya asks, coming up beside me.
“It’s true. What Lake said is all true, but…” my words fall away. I’m humiliated. I don’t want to be even more embarrassed by admitting to feelings for Brock when he probably doesn’t feel the same way.
Anya runs her fingers through my tangled mess of brown curls. “I’m so sorry.” She glances at her phone. “Paxton asked Lake to leave the reception.”
I nod. “I can’t go back in there. I’m so sorry. Will you give my best to Paxton and Hartford? I just can’t show my face, oh my god, especially to your mother.”
I can’t believe how foolish I feel.
“Don’t worry about anybody but you right now. And Brock. Maybe you should talk to him?”
I shrug. “What for? He doesn’t care about me. We’ve been enemies our whole lives, nothing’s changed.”
Anya tilts her head slightly, studying me through the reflection of the mirror. “Are you kidding? I know my brother. He was never like that with any of his past girlfriends.”
“He’s a good actor,” I say, moving away from the sink and grabbing a few tissues from the Kleenex box on the counter.
Anya raises a thin brow. “I don’t think so.”
I turn to face Anya. “Can I tell you a secret? You can’t tell anyone.”
Anya’s eyes widen. “Lips are sealed.”
“Even Griffin.”
“Griffin who?” Anya jokes, moving closer. “Tell me.”
I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Brock and I had sex.”
Anya clasps a hand over her mouth in shock. “Seriously?” she asks after what feels like a full minute of silence.
I nod, fresh tears streaming down my face. “And it was so good, Anya,” I whine out. “So so good. Oh my god that man has some serious skills,” I divulge.
“Okay, first gross, but I think he really likes you, Willow.”
I shake my head, wiping away the rest of the tears. “No, he doesn’t. He’s made it clear this is fake and nothing more. You know how guys are. They can have meaningless, random hookups and be fine. I can’t face Brock.”
Anya grabs another tissue for me, and hands it over. “Do you want to stay in my room tonight?”
I nod. “I’m going to try to move my flight. See if I can get on a flight out tonight. I just can’t be here anymore. I can’t face your family.”
Anya wraps an arm around my shoulders. “My family loves you, Willow. Don’t worry about facing any of them, especially Brock.”
“I’d like to never see Brock again for the rest of my life.” I’m just too embarrassed. I pull out my phone, checking to change my flight. “Oh, I can switch my flight to an eight o’clock tonight.”
“That’s in like three hours.”
I nod, my resolve strengthening. “I can make it. I’ll rush up to the room and pack.”
Anya hugs me, squeezing harder than she ever has before. “I don’t want you to leave, Willow. I wish you’d talk to Brock.”
I smile as soon as she releases me. “No, I don’t ever want to see him again.” What could I even possibly say to him?
Thanks for the great sex, see ya around?