Page 5 of Don't Fall For Your Fake Boyfriend
“What are you doing? There’s no one around.”
“I’m a touchy, feely guy, Willow. Get used to it now because it will be happening a lot this week. Each time I do this you stiffen and that needs to stop. If we are going to make this work, you need to at least act like you want me to touch you and step one is to stop stiffening.”
She searches my eyes and nods. “Okay,” she whispers.
“Our bags,” I say, rushing over and grabbing them.
I push them both as we head toward the exit. Paxton and Hartford are getting married and Willow and I are about to give an Oscar-worthy performance.
I’m even more excited than when I stepped onto the plane.
Chapter 3
I honestly can’t believe I’ve let Brock talk me into such a ridiculous idea. Pretend to be a couple?
However, when I see Lake’s face in the lobby of the Excalibur Hotel and Casino, I almost feel triumphant. He notices Brock’s arm around my shoulders first. Is that a hint of jealousy I detect?
I think it is, and I swell at the sight.
I beam as Paxton makes his way over, Lake following briefly behind him.
“Brock, how was the flight?” Paxton asks, and Brock drops his arm from around me to wrap his older brother in a hug. “Willow, were you two on the same flight?” He wraps me into a quick hug, his eyes searching both mine and Brock’s for answers.
“Of course we were, silly,” I say, trying to pretend that Paxton already knows that Brock and I are an item.
“I had to fly out with my girl,” Brock says, wrapping his arm back around me and tucking me into his side. “Lake,” he says, giving a little head nod to him.
Lake’s blue eyes narrow slightly, and he nods. “What’s up, Brock? Your girl?”
“Yes,” I chime in, a little more bravado in my voice than should be. “Brock and I are dating. Oh, did you not know that, Lake?” I ask him, a hint of pity in my voice, like he’s not privy to the happenings of the Atwood clan like I am.
I wish he wasn’t here. I can feel my bravado slipping, but Brock keeps his arm wrapped tightly around me, and I’m thankful it’s keeping my legs from collapsing.
“Oh my god,” Hartford’s voice sounds from somewhere far behind me. “Unhand her, Brock.”
Brock and I spin around to spot Hartford and Anya standing there, their eyes assessing the situation with laser-focus.
“What are you doing?” Anya asks, her eyes trained right on me.
“Brock and I are dating,” I say, my voice thin and threadbare now. My confidence is shot.
“Since when?” Hartford asks.
Brock only tugs me closer to his side. “It’s still new. We didn’t want to tell anyone just yet, until we knew this thing was real.”
I love how quickly he’s coming up with all the lies.
“But you two hate each other,” Anya says, and I blow out a breath of exasperation.
“Sexual tension,” I tell her, and I smile when I get the reaction I was hoping for.
Anya turns her nose up and makes a face of disgust as her boyfriend, Griffin, walks over and drapes an arm over her shoulders.
“What did I miss?” he asks, searching the faces of the small crowd we now have forming.
“Brock and Willow, apparently they’re a thing. You realize your couple name is Brillow, right? Like a Brillo Pad.”