Page 2 of Don't Fall For Your Fake Boyfriend
The plane jumps through the sky, and I cling onto my seat. Oh no, this is it. And I get to sit next to Brock as I go down in a flame of fire and twisted metal. I squeeze my eyes shut.
“Are you okay?” Brock asks beside me. I detect a smile in his voice, but am too afraid to confirm it by opening my eyes. “Planes are really safe. You heard the captain, just a little turbulence, nothing to worry about.”
I open my eyes, glaring at him. “Well, the captain isn’t very well going to come over the loudspeaker and tell us we’re all going to die, now is he?”
Brock smiles, wider this time, and he really does have the nicest smile. “I guess not.”
I sit up straighter, not really expecting him to agree with me. I’m even more nervous now. “Seriously?” I ask him. “You’re not going to tell me to calm down, or try to tell me everything will be okay?”
He leans his head back and closes his eyes. “No, you’re right about the captain. He wouldn’t tell us, and you’ve already made up your mind. I guess we’re goners.”
“Are you kidding me right now?”
His eyes open just a crack, enough to see the mischievous glint. “I’m just saying, if you want to be scared, be scared. I’m here to make sure you enjoy it.”
I stare at him, half-expecting him to laugh and tell me he’s joking. But he just closes his eyes again, looking entirely too relaxed for someone who just accepted our fiery doom.
I cross my arms, trying to ignore the swooping feeling in my stomach as the plane dips again. This week is supposed to be about love and laughter, not fear and flying. I sneak another glance at Brock, who’s now pretending to snore softly.
“I hate this week,” I say to myself, breathing in deeply. “I am zen,” I repeat a few times.
Brock opens his eyes, leaning forward. “What are you doing?”
“I’m meditating,” I say, holding my hands out and trying to focus on my breathing.
He laughs. “Whatever,” he says, leaning back into his seat. As if he just remembered something, he leans forward, looking right at me. “Why did you say you hate this week? We’re going to Vegas for my brother’s wedding. It’s gonna be a great time.”
I drop my hands with a heavy sigh. “Lake is going to be there. He’s in the wedding party, and our break up is still fresh. I don’t really want to see him.” Or talk to him. Or interact in any way with him.
“Oh, right.” For the first time since I’ve known Brock, he actually appears sad for me. Like he pities me a little. “I heard the two of you broke up. What happened?”
I glare at Brock for a second, wondering if he’s being genuine. I thought everyone knew why Lake and I broke up. “You didn’t hear?” I ask him when he doesn’t budge.
He shakes his head. “Guess gossip doesn’t travel that fast in a small town.”
I smile lightly, and then my shoulders slump slightly. “He cheated on me. With Destiny Harper.”
“What a scumbag.” His brown eyes hold mine. “I’m really sorry, Willow. You’re better off without him.”
I shrug. “Tell him that.”
When I found out Lake had cheated on me I was devastated at first, but then the more I thought about it the more I felt like I dodged a bullet. Lake and I never really clicked. We never really meshed well. And the sex was only lackluster at best.
Doesn’t mean I want to see him.
Brock sits up a little taller. “I will tell him that. I’ll tell him he doesn’t deserve you.”
I laugh as the flight attendant asks us if we want anything to drink. “Um,” I say.
Brock cuts in, “Two tequilas, please.”
“And orange juice,” I add on.
After Brock pays for the beverages, I thank him. He gets to work making two very strong tequilas and oj’s. He hands my tiny cup to me, and smiles.
“Cheers,” he says, and we clink our glasses together.
“Thank you,” I say after taking a sip. “You’re actually cheering me up.”