Page 8 of Rite of Blood and Secrets
"What about Pip?"
"Do you have someone you can leave her with?"
My gaze slips to Bastian who is talking to two men who very much look like the stuffy old lords Marcus is talking about, only younger. "My brother," I respond.
"Ah, excellent."
I nod, not entirely sure I want to leave Pip with Bastian, but also not wanting to insult Marcus. And there's more to it than that. Bastian has made it clear that I'm not to embarrass us, and that we've come to the ball in order to better our position and our family. Which means I need to do everything that would be expected of someone here. That includes dancing when asked, and not making a fool of myself.
I take a deep breath and head in the direction of my brother. He'll look after Pip if it means getting what he wants from me. I'm sure of it. And if I get to dance with a handsome stranger, then I suppose it's not the end of the world. Even if I'm still nervous about exactly what we're doing here and what my brother is planning.
Chapter 5
The dance floor is almost full, though a quick look around confirms that there aren't any of the other townspeople on it. They're probably worried about the same thing I am and embarrassing themselves by not knowing the steps.
I don't know why I've agreed to this. I have no idea what I'm doing and while dancing with someone could be seen as me obeying Bastian's instructions, there is a part of me that's concerned about looking like a fool.
"It's an easy one," Marcus promises, holding out his hand.
I look at it, not knowing what I'm supposed to do.
"Put your left hand on my shoulder, and your right hand in mine," he says, his tone kind and understanding despite my cluelessness.
"Oh." I step closer and do as he asks, tingles spreading through me as he places his free hand on my waist. We're barely touching, but this feels different than the country dances I'm used to.
The music begins to play, the musicians creating a pure tune that is nothing like I've ever heard in the town.
"Step back with your left foot," Marcus says.
I do as he suggests, and he steps forward.
"Now the right. Then repeat, just go where I lead."
I nod and follow his instructions, surprised to find that it causes us to glide around the floor. "How do you know how to do this?" I ask.
"Years of dance lessons," he responds.
A slight flush of embarrassment rises to my cheeks as I realise I've more or less just admitted that I haven't had that kind of upbringing. Which is explicitly something Bastian told me not to do.
"I would have much rather learned how to do useful things," Marcus continues. "I couldn't even sew on a button if I lost one."
"It is quite simple," I respond.
"Maybe. But I've never been taught, I wouldn't know where to start. Are you ready to spin?"
"Spin?" I repeat, my eyes widening.
He nods. "Under my arm. I'll guide you." He lets go of my waist and raises his other hand.
I turn, my dress flaring out as I do. I stumble a little as Marcus steadies me, but I doubt anyone other than him noticed.
He continues to guide us around the dancefloor, but we don't really talk much as I'm too focused on keeping steady on my feet. I know this is the kind of thing my brother is expecting me to do at the ball, but I don't really understand why.
The music comes to an end and Marcus lets go of my hand, stepping back to give me a bow.
I do my best to imitate the other women around me and dip into what I hope is a curtsy. The waist of my dress digs in a little uncomfortably, reminding me that it isn't the right size.
"Would you like another dance?" Marcus asks.