Page 3 of Rite of Blood and Secrets
"Just that people say it's dangerous and not to go."
"Those people are fools," my brother spits out. "And they just want to keep us poor so we're there to build their walls and mend their socks."
I stand there, not really knowing what to say.
"The Golden Moon will give us an opportunity to finally take our places in the world. Places we deserve." The way the firelight dances across his face makes his statement somewhat more sinister than they should be. "You should look at your dress," he says.
I hesitate but end up making my way over to lift the lid off the box. And not just because Bastian expects me to look, I'm also curious about what's inside. A deep red gown with black lace sits within. It's far fancier than anything I've ever worn before, but I'm not entirely sure I would have chosen it for myself.
"So?" Bastian prompts. "What do you think?"
"It's beautiful," I say. "I'm just still not sure what the Golden Moon is or how it's going to help us when we have no money."
"I wouldn't concern yourself with that, sister," he responds. "Just focus on keeping the house and returning any of the mending projects you have. I don't plan on us coming back here after the Golden Moon."
I frown. "But this is our home." I put the lid back on the box. I'm half tempted to peek into the other one to see what he got for himself, but I think better of it.
"Think of it, Beatrice. There'll be no more of that awful vegetable stew. We'll be able to eat roasted meat and freshly baked bread."
I glance at the bubbling pot of food, feeling awful that it's what I'm going to have to serve him. It's often bland and boring, but I don't think it's awful.
"What do we have to do for the Golden Moon?" I ask as I spoon some of the stew into bowls and give one to him. He may have a distaste for it, but if he wants to eat tonight, then that's what he's going to have to have.
"We're to go up to the castle as guests," he responds. "That's all."
"And that's going to solve all of our money problems?" I ask.
"All of our problems," he responds. "They'll go away overnight and we'll have everything that we're due."
I frown, not really seeing how any of that is possible, but sensing that he believes it. I don't ask any other questions, mostly because I don't believe Bastian even has the answers, never mind that he's going to give them to me if I ask.
I take my own bowl of stew and sit in one of the chairs. Pip scampers over and lies down at my feet, a warm fluffy reminder that I always have someone beside me.
The two of us eat in silence, but that does nothing to stop the questions racing through my mind. I have no idea what Bastian has gotten us into by saying we'll attend the Golden Moon, but I suppose it's too late to worry too much about it. We're going to find out either way.
Chapter 3
Everything about the dress Bastian got for me feels foreign. The laces are too tight and the skirts are too heavy, though I'm guessing that's because I'm not used to either of them.
"What do you think, Pip?" I ask my dog.
She cocks her head to the side and studies me intently as if she's actually considering my question.
"I feel ridiculous," I tell her. I open the wardrobe door and look into the mirror on the inside of it. The dress doesn't suit me, and if I have to hazard a guess, I'd say it was made for someone shorter than I am. At least the lacework is beautiful, and I don't think it's going to be too uncomfortable to wear for the evening.
I open the jewellery box that is the only thing of my mother's I have left. I don't remember her, and most of what she left us was sold when Da was still alive, but there's a pair of wooden combs within the box that I can use to pin my hair in place. No one is going to mistake me for a lady of high birth, but I have to admit that Bastian is also right, I do look better in this dress compared to the one I normally wear.
I run my hands through my light brown hair, teasing out the tangles and getting it into some kind of manageable state, though I'm not sure how well I actually manage. It only takes me a few minutes to pin my hair in place, with a few loose curls to frame my face.
"Now it's your turn," I tell Pip, crouching down by my dog and combing through her coat with my fingers until she looks somewhat presentable. A single scrap of lace still rests in the box, and I attach it to her collar as a bow so she also has something fancy to wear. I'm sure it's an unnecessary touch, but it makes me feel as if she's playing the part.
There's nothing I can do about the fact I only have a length of twine to use as a lead, but it's better than losing her.
"All right, I think we're done," I say to her.
She cocks her head to the side and studies me intently.
"You can look at me like that all you want, but I don't know any more about what's going on than you do." I push open my bedroom door and step into our living space, unsurprised to find Bastian already waiting there.