Page 11 of Rite of Blood and Secrets
They appear with a tray of goblets. Lord Fallmartin takes one of them and gestures for us to take one each. The others are taken over to the pair of beautiful women who have been watching intently but silently from the other side of the room.
"Welcome to family," Lord Fallmartin says, lifting his goblet to us both.
I stare at him, not really knowing how to process the words. Bastian is the only family I've had for years, certainly not this strange man in a castle full of people I don't know.
Bastian takes a drink from his cup, and I do the same, but barely take more than a sip. I don't know these people, and I certainly don't trust them. Not enough to drink refreshments given without a second thought. I shouldn't have taken the wine when we entered either, but it's too late for that.
"Come, meet your cousins," Lord Fallmartin says. "This is Eliza and Bella," he introduces the two women.
"Cousins?" I ask.
The glare I get from Bastian in response to my question is almost enough to make me wish I'd never said a word.
Bella laughs harshly. "This is your hope for our House, Uncle? She doesn't even know what's going on, look at her so confused."
"You didn't know either when our father told you," Eliza reminds her. "Be kind."
"I put the pieces together much faster," Bella retorts.
Lord Fallmartin waves at the two of them to be silent and turns his attention to me. He puts a finger under my chin and lifts up my face. "You have no idea what you are, do you?"
"No." It seems like the answer he's expecting, which is probably the safest option. And the one that's most likely to get me an explanation about what's happening here and why I don't understand any of it.
"Ah, Bastian, you should have explained," Lord Fallmartin says.
"I thought that would make this evening harder to accomplish, my lord."
"No need of that amongst family," Lord Fallmartin says. "And you really should have told her, the Golden Moon can be a lot to take in."
I tighten my hold on Pip's rope, letting it bite into my skin. I'm trying to put the pieces together but none of them are quite fitting, and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with that knowledge.
"Why don't you have a seat, Beatrice?" Lord Fallmartin suggests, gesturing to one of the empty chairs. "Are you hungry? We can get you something to eat."
"I'm fine, thank you," I answer in a small voice, not moving from where I'm standing.
The expression on Bastian's face almost makes me reconsider, but I know I shouldn't let him get to me. Not if I want answers to the strange situation I've found myself in.
Bella leans back in her seat and studies me as if she's expecting me to start screaming and run out of the room. In her defence, I'm definitely tempted to. I don't understand any of what's happening, but I do know that I don't like it.
Bastian doesn't hesitate and makes his way over to the chair, sitting down and looking as if he's been part of the family for years. I don't understand how he can be so at ease around strangers, particularly those who are clearly so far above our station and have the potential to be deadly.
"Where to begin," Lord Fallmartin says. "I suppose we should keep it simple. You're a vampire, Beatrice."
"No, I'm not." My voice shakes, but I know I have to be honest with him. I'd have noticed if I was a vampire, surely?
"Well, that's fair. For the next few hours, you're a dhampir. A half-vampire if you will."
"No. You said my mother was human. And I knew my father..."
"I'm afraid we've never met before tonight, my dear. Your mother kept your existence secret from me, it's only by chance that one of my servants recognised your brother when he was asking about the Golden Moon for the two of you. The family features are strong within you both, don't you think?" He gestures to his face.
I try to think of something to say, but I can't come up with anything. He does look familiar, and though I couldn't place it before, I can now see the similarities between his and Bastian's features.
And my own.
"For twenty-one years you've stayed out of my sight. But now I can welcome you into our family. Our House has a distinct lack of heirs..."
Bella scoffs. "What are we, Uncle?"