Page 6 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
"Don't say it," he cuts me off. "It's not your fault the two are back-to-back."
"Maybe not, but I did make you talk about this."
He shrugs. "I don't come to grief support sessions to not talk about it," he points out. "I'm here because I want to be able to talk about it, even when it hurts."
"Right." It's still a strange concept to me, but I guess that's why I'm here too.
He grabs his bag from the floor. "Do you want to swap numbers?" he asks. "In case you want to talk and there isn't a session?"
"Yes." I grab my phone and pull up the screen that'll share my contact details with him. This isn't what I expected from today, but it is nice to be able to talk to someone who understands what I'm feeling, even if it's all surreal to me.
I hold out my phone and he scans it.
"Great, got it. I guess I'll see you next week unless I've scared you away."
"You haven't," I assure him. Which he's probably already aware of given the fact I gave him my number.
"Then I'll see you." He gives a half-wave and heads out of the door, leaving me a little confused about what I'm supposed to do with myself now.
Even after a short conversation, I feel drained, but I think I also feel a little bit better. I just hope this is going to continue and make this time worthwhile.
Chapter 3
I groan as I enter the kitchen and realise it's a complete mess. I don't know which of my flatmates had a party last night, but whoever it was needs to learn how to clean up after themselves, this place is a total mess.
Though I know I was probably responsible for similar situations during Freshers Week. It feels like much longer than eight months ago, and it was like I was a totally different person. Mum was still sick, but she hadn't been actively dying yet.
I didn't know what death looked like.
I try to banish the memories, preferring to linger on moments where she'd been herself rather than the end. I pull out one of my mugs and start making a cup of tea despite the weather being a little too warm for it. Tea always makes everything better.
The door swings open just as I'm taking the teabag out, and Rupert strides in with his hair a mess.
"Have you just got up?" I ask the weasel shifter.
"Yep. My early morning lecture was cancelled."
"It's three in the afternoon."
He shrugs. "Ah, guess I missed my others then. What happened in here?"
"No idea."
He heads to the fridge and stares inside it as if food is going to spring into being, but he seems disappointed and shuts it again.
"I've got bread if you want toast." I gesture to my cupboard.
"Do you have jam as well?"
"You know I do."
"Thanks, mate." He hurries over and starts making himself some breakfast. "You're always the responsible one."
"Something like that," I murmur.