Page 35 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
"Likewise," Sera responds. "Come on, I'll get you checked in and then you can explore."
We follow her over to a computer and she taps on a couple of keys, producing three tokens and handing one to each of us.
"Just give them to the person at the entrance," she says, gesturing over in the direction of the turnstiles that lead into the museum.
"Is there anything we need to tell them?" I ask, already worrying about what she's had to do to get us free tickets.
"No, you're here as my guests. I have to log you in, but it's all above board. Nothing dodgy," she promises. "I get five passes a month and I barely use them."
I sigh with relief. I thought she was going to have to do a bit more persuading in order to get them, but I'm glad she's only had to push a few buttons. "Thanks, Sera."
"Any time. Or not quite any time because now I only have two passes left for the month, but you know what I mean."
"Are there any special shows on at the moment?" Eddy asks, seeming really interested.
"There's an entire exhibit on animal poo right now," Sera says, picking up a leaflet and handing it to him.
"Really?" Eddy's eyes light up as he takes it.
She laughs. "Well it's called The Feacts About Feaces Exhibit, with an e in facts, but yes. It's all about different animal droppings."
"I've got to see that," Eddy announces excitedly.
Sera points him in the right direction and he hurries off, giving his token to the member of staff at the entrance.
"How did you know that would interest him?" I ask.
"You said he's thirteen, it wasn't hard to guess," she jokes.
"I should go make sure he doesn't touch anything," Jack says. "Thank you, Sera. You've no idea how much I appreciate this."
"No problem." She smiles.
I give him an odd wave as he disappears after his brother and let out a sigh.
"All right, I have questions," Sera says.
"Like when did you get a boyfriend and why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't have a boyfriend," I counter.
She raises an eyebrow. "Really?" She looks over to where Jack and his brother have disappeared. "Could have fooled me."
"It's not like that," I say quickly. "I don't think. It's complicated."
"I'm not surprised. But seriously, what's going on? Isn't he the same guy you went home with on your birthday?"
"He helped me get home, we didn't go home together like that," I protest. "We met in grief support group and we've been spending a lot of time together since. We're friends, I think."
"Uh-oh, think is never good," the phoenix responds, looking past me to make sure no one needs her attention.
"I'm just confused about how I'm feeling, and everyone keeps asking me if we're together, and that's just more confusing."
"Ah, yeah, I can relate to that."
"Of course. Everyone just assumed you and Hugo were an item."