Page 13 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
As if they know we're talking about them, they slither down onto my shoulders and look at him, clearly curious.
"They're the same snakes as when you were born?" he asks, watching Rattle with an intrigued expression on his face.
I nod. "Though they've shed a few times. And I seriously recommend not asking me about that part of the process, it's not particularly pleasant."
He chuckles. "Got it. Is there a chance you'll gain more of them?"
"No. Two is my lot. Gorgons can be born with anywhere from no snakes to hundreds, and as far as I know, no one gains new ones as they get older."
"There are so many things I don't know about gorgons."
"And yet you still want me to try and turn you into stone." I'm worried he hasn't thought this through.
He shrugs. "I've tried a lot of other things first, this is just something I haven't tried."
"All right then, let's do this." I close my eyes and I take my glasses off, my heart racing at the prospect. I've never even done this accidentally to someone, never mind on purpose. "Are you ready?"
Rattle raises his head to get a look at what's happening. Maybe he realises that I've taken my glasses off and knows what that means, though that would require inbuilt knowledge of gorgon magic that I doubt he possesses. And if he does, I have a lot of questions about why I'm not able to access it.
"I'm ready," Jack responds.
"You don't sound nervous."
"Why should I be? I know the risks."
I nod. "All right, then let's do this." I open my eyes, meeting his gaze.
Neither of us move, and I spend what feels like hours but is definitely just minutes staring into his eyes and noticing every fleck in his grey-green irises. There's something surprisingly intimate about it, even if this is only a practical thing.
A weird feeling starts to grow within me as I hold his gaze.
"How long does gorgon magic take to work?" he asks.
"I've always been led to believe a few seconds."
"So I should have turned to stone already."
"I think so."
"Ah." Disappointment fills his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I pull my gaze away and reach for my glasses, putting them back on. "Maybe I'm doing it wrong."
"Maybe," he murmurs, his shoulders slumping.
I pull out my phone and type in a search for gorgon magic and gargoyles. I groan. "Why didn't we think of this?"
"Think of what?" Jack asks.
"Gargoyles are immune to gorgon magic." I show my phone to him so he can read the article I have open.
"Ah. Well, I guess that answers why I'm not made of stone right now."
"Except that you kind of are, that's why you're immune. It makes so much sense when you think about it." I drop my phone onto the bed, trying not to be too relieved that I haven't accidentally turned him into stone.
"Thanks for trying anyway," he says.
"You're welcome." I rub my thumb against my hand. "What are we supposed to do now?"