Page 72 of Flynn
“That man of yours is impressive.” The woman eyed her curiously, a smile tugging at her lips. “He makes the senator look weak and unappealing. I think he disapproved of the tete-a-tete you two had going on?”
“It was just a conversation, and there is no need to make a federal case. I am over him.” She sounded petulant but felt it was justified. He had walked away and left her and had not even once glanced over to see if she was okay. Whatever.
Rosalyn gave her a shrewd look. “Are you over him?”
“Why do people keep asking me that?” She hissed impatiently. “Of course I am.”
“Then honey, you had better try and convince that man of yours that you are.”
As soon as they entered the bedroom, he told her briefly, “I have some work to attend to.”
“Fine.” She was not about to justify her behavior because she did nothing wrong. If he wanted to behave like a complete jerk and freeze her out, then it’s his business. She was going to change, go to bed, and ignore him. Two could play the same game.
She changed out of the dress and carelessly flung it onto the cream and gold sofa next to the large fireplace. She then slipped out of her shoes. Marching over to the oversized armoire, she yanked at the drawer and took out an old T-shirt, sliding it over her head.
By the time she turned around, he had already left the room. Feeling as deflated as a balloon that a sharp object had pricked, she went to sit on the sofa dejectedly. He had been silent all the way home, and even so, when they reached home, he had unsnapped her belt and opened her door, taking her hand to help her out of the vehicle.
Even when angry with her, he still takes care of her. It struck her then how different he was from the men she had been involved with. And she missed him. She wanted his hands around her body and to feel him against her.
She wanted to feel the incredible strength, the tenderness he always showed her. Yes, she had never discussed Glen with him and knew why. She was still cautious and afraid. She was so disappointed in her past relationships that she was still looking for the other shoe to fall.
Biting off a sigh, she surged to her feet. It was not fair to him. He had given her everything, but she was still holding back.
He looked up when he felt her presence, his hands clenching on the surface of his oak desk. A folder was lying before him, and she wondered if he was working.
“I am busy.”
“I know.” Moving towards the desk, she came around and sat on the edge of it, forcing him to move back to give her space. “I am over him.”
She watched as his eyes flared. “I told you about my bad luck with the opposite sex. I thought it was me, that I had something within me that attracted men who were not ideal.” Taking his large hand in hers, she studied the long fingers with their blunt nails.
Glen had always been meticulous and fussy about his hands, ensuring he kept his weekly appointment to get his nails buffed and treated. Flynn had a man’s hand with calluses at his fingertips.
Lifting her head, she stared at his strong face, which had harsh features. He would never be called genuinely handsome, but he was a face that had character stamped all over it.
“I had a difficult time believing that you were different.” She felt it when his fingers tensed. “But I know you are, and I love you Flynn. It will take me a minute to embrace how you treat me. I complain about it, but God knows, I feel special-”
Her fingers linked his. “I feel loved, something I never felt before. And I cannot bear it when you are upset with me.” Her expression turned pleading, and he could not resist the look on her face.
He had seen when the bastard approached her and had stood there waiting for her to rebuff him.
He had also been aware of the avid curiosity of the men talking to him. When he couldn’t bear it anymore, he marched there like a jealous fool. And he had wanted to smash his fist into the bastard’s pale face. He had no idea what Ryleigh had ever seen in him.
“I wanted to deck him,” he said harshly, his fingers tightening on hers. “I saw you with him; he was touching you, and I saw red. What the hell have you ever seen in him?” He had to tamp down the jealousy resurfacing even now.
“I thought I loved him. He fascinated me with his passion for wanting to make a difference.” Sliding off the desk, she sat on his lap. Tugging her hand from his, she looped her arms around his neck. “I love you completely, so much so that there is no room for another man.”
His hands tightened around her waist, his expression intense as he stared at her. He felt the anger dissipating as her slender curves melted against him.
“Be very sure,” he whispered, his head bending towards hers. “Because I have no intention of letting you go.”
“I am here,” lifting a hand, she brushed her fingers across the square jaw with the rough stubble. He had to shave every morning. She loved watching him getting ready for his day. “I am positive,” she whispered against his mouth.