Page 69 of Flynn
“I am not afraid of you.” The man lied, hating that he was sweating copiously.
“We both know that’s not true,” Flynn said mildly, sliding the folder he had brought across the table.
“What's this?”
“Why don’t you open it up and see? I presumed you learned to read?”
Eyes flashing, Maurice opened the folder and drew his hand back, the shocked look on his face undeniable. “What—how?” He swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared at the comprehensive files and glossy photos of the most important person in his life. “What are you going to do?” he finally asked.
“That depends entirely on you.” Leaning back in the chair, Flynn eyed the man closely. Bert was right, as usual. This brother means the world to the man. He had never seen Maurice so frightened or so vulnerable.
Love does that to people. When he heard that men were fishing around at Ryleigh’s work and her place, he felt the fear overriding the anger; he wanted to shield her from everything and would do anything to accomplish it.
“If you hurt him-”
“No.” Flynn shook his head. “See, I am not like you, Maurice. You exploit people by using their perceived weaknesses against them. But one has to be careful that it does not happen to them as well.” He leaned forward.
“We all have people in our lives who - shall we say - make us want to be protective, to spare them from others who want to hurt them.” His expression hardened. “
Ryleigh is that person to me. I would go to the ends of the earth to protect her.” He flicked a hand at the folder. “That’s your Achilles heel, and I am prepared to use it to get my point across.”
Maurice tore his eyes from the open folder to stare at him. “You son of a bitch.” he whispered.
“Now, Maurice,” his teeth bared fiercely. “Is that any way to talk to a woman who fed you from the small amount of food we had in what we loosely called a pantry?” Flynn leaned closer, ignoring the two men who advanced.
“Back the hell off - completely off. I don’t care about your illegal enterprises; you will get what’s coming one day. I care only that you stay away from Ryleigh. Am I clear?”
Maurice felt as if he was choking- as if the food inside his stomach, which had not entirely digested, was coming back up. Sweat beaded his forehead, and he felt his heart hammering inside his chest.
“Is she going to stay out of my business?” he asked hoarsely.
“That’s up to you, isn’t it? Might I suggest you keep a low profile? Better idea, why don’t you go somewhere else where you don’t come to the attention of the DA’s office?”
Maurice gulped. “That’s impossible. I live here. My work is here.”
“Then you will just have to keep a low profile.”
“Screw you-”
“Think of Nathan - bright and budding. From what I read, he wants to be a lawyer. I applaud his ambition.” Amber eyes hardened to flints. “I would hate to see that brought to a premature end.”
“He is just a kid.” Maurice hissed, his bowels turning to water. “You wouldn’t hurt an innocent kid.”
“What would you do to protect him?” Flynn nodded to the photo. They both looked down and studied it together. It showed a handsome boy laughing as he stared at a girl who seemed to be in the same age group.
They were both seated underneath a Red Maple. He had his back against the trunk, one knee bent, and a book opened on his lap. The girl - sunlight glinting on her blonde hair, leaned against him in an intimate pose. “Girlfriend?”
Maurice nodded jerkily.
“She seems nice.”
“You made your point.”
“I sincerely hope so.” Pushing back his chair, he rose. “Keep the folder. I have another. Enjoy the rest of your meal.” Flynn encouraged almost pleasantly. “And do try the pecan surprise, it’s delicious.”
Maurice watched him stride away, the red haze of anger distorting his vision. Looking down at the photo, he curled his fingers and made a tight fist, his heart hammering inside his chest.