Page 59 of Flynn
He nodded. “I wanted the best, and by then, I could afford it. But being a millionaire was not enough for me. I wanted to be powerful. I had been dirt poor, and I could not go back to that kind of life.” he stroked her satiny skin, loving the feel of the flesh. “I was hungry for more. I took risks,” he laughed softly.
“Big scary ones, and they paid off, much to my shock. I was daring, walking into a bank and giving my pitch. I had these grandiose ideas and wanted to sell them to stodgy bankers.
I approached several of them and was turned away politely. ‘We have reviewed your proposal, Mr. Zimmermann, and as much as we would love to help you achieve what you set out, we cannot help. We must answer to our stockholders- blah, blah, blah.”
He grinned at her. “I wanted to ram my fist down their throats and dislodge the sticks up their collective asses for having limited vision. I knew my ideas were revolutionary, but it would work.”
“They are bankers; it’s their job to be cautious.”
He cast her a wry look. “They had no imagination; that’s what makes them bankers. Anyway, I found someone who loved my ideas and not only offered to extend the loan but wanted in on the project.”
“Harrison Trust & Savings.”
He stared at her in surprise.
“I read your fascinating bio. You ended up buying the bank and making Mr. Harrison wealthy. You turned a small entity into a large business.”
He inclined his head. “We are still friends.”
“He has since retired.”
“Several years now and taking cruises - traveling the world. The last time I spoke to him, he was in Japan.”
“Good for him.”
“Hmm.” He was concentrating on her parted lips and berating himself for the stirring of desire that had only gotten stronger.
“You should get some sleep,” he told her briskly.
“I am not tired.”
“You were sick before; I should let you rest.” Her hand on his chest was venturing further down, and his skin was heating up.
Clamping his hand over hers, he stopped the exploration. “I can’t- we can’t,” he said hoarsely, but it was already hard. “We should-” He broke off with a groan when she dragged her hand away to curl her fingers around the thick length of his shaft.
“I feel so much better.” her eyes met him, jolting at the intense passion she saw there.
“I need to feel you inside me. I have come to rely on your hardness driving into me.”
“Oh, Christ!” He really shouldn’t. He had been there when she hurled, and it was not pretty. But he was bursting and knew he would not be able to sleep without having her.
“Turn around.” he rasped.
“Do it.”
Letting go of him, she turned her back to him. Her body quivered when he passed his hands down the small of her back to cup her firm derriere. Her breath whooshed out as he entered her slowly from behind.
Her bottom was snuggled against him, so much so that she could feel the dense hairs covering his sex against her flesh. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he brought her flushed against him, head bending to nuzzle her neck.
“Stay still,” he whispered against her flesh.
“I can’t.”
“Don’t move.” He ordered her thickly. “If you do, it will be over too quickly. I love being sheathed by you and taking you this way; I feel as if I am touching the mouth of your womb.” he surged upwards. “Can you feel it?” he was sucking the flesh of her neck into his mouth and making her so dizzy with desire that she could barely stand it.